Winterize your rain barrel in four steps

rain barrel

We’ve woken up to frost on several mornings already, so that’s a reminder that if we haven’t yet, we need to prepare our homes and lawns for winter. But what about rain barrels?

Rain barrels should be winterized to keep them from being damaged during the coldest months of the year.

What to do

You’ll want to shut off any water flow to your rain barrel and disconnect the downspout before temperatures consistently dip below freezing.

  1. Drain your rain barrel. Make sure all of the spigots are open. Turn your barrel upside down to drain completely.
  2. Remove hoses. Store these separately until spring.
  3. Dry out the inside of the rain barrel to prevent ice or cracking, and remove any debris that has collected inside.
  4. Store the barrel in your basement, garage or storage area. If you have to leave it outside, store the rain barrel upside down so that no additional water gets inside, or cover it with a tarp.

Check it out

Clermont County Soil and Water Conservation District explains what a rain barrel is, and how to properly prepare one for winter:

Don’t have a rain barrel, but want to make your own for spring? The Environmental Protection Agency explains how to build a rain barrel.