What’s new in herbicides for 2012


ABOVE: Lambsquarter weed

URBANA, Ill. –There are only a few new commercial herbicide products available for 2012, according to University of Illinois associate professor of weed science Aaron Hager.

“One new active ingredient (pyroxasulfone) is included in the list, but no herbicides with novel sites of action,” he said.

He offers this list to keep track of the new products for this year, by manufacturer:

BASF – OpTill Pro (saflufenacil + imazethapyr and dimethenamid) combines the active ingredients of OpTill and Outlook in a dual-chambered jug that will treat 20 acres of soybean per jug.

The product provides the equivalent of 2 ounces of OpTill (Sharpen + Pursuit) and 10 fluid ounces of Outlook for burndown control of existing vegetation and soil-residual control of certain annual weed species. Include MSO (1%) and AMS (1-2%) or UAN (1.25-2.5%) to improve burndown activity.

Applications must be made before the soybeans begin to emerge, and at least 30 days before planting when applied to coarse-textured soils with less than 2 percent organic matter.

— Armezon 2.8SL (topramezone) contains the same active ingredient as Impact. Armezon may be applied to corn at 0.75 fluid ounce per acre up to 45 days before harvest.

Weed control is often improved when Armezon is applied in combination with atrazine and MSO.

Bayer CropScience – Autumn Super 51WDG (iodosulfuron + thiencarbazone) can be applied 30 or 60 days before planting field corn or soybean, respectively, to control emerged weed species.

The product is positioned primarily for application in the fall following crop harvest for burndown and residual control of winter annual weed species.

Liberty is the new name for, and identical to, the product sold as Ignite in 2011. The total amount of glufosinate that can be applied in-crop to glufosinate-resistant soybean has been increased to 65 fluid ounces of Liberty per acre per season.

DuPont – Basis Blend 30WSG (rimsulfuron + thifensulfuron) is a new formulation (blended) of Basis 75WDG that can be applied pre-emergence or post-emergence in corn. Use-rate conversions between the two formulations include:

Basis = Basis Blend

– 0.33 oz 0.825 oz

– 0.50 oz 1.25 oz

– 0.67 oz 1.67 oz

Syngenta – Zemax 3.67ZC (mesotrione + S-metolachlor + safener) is a new formulation that will replace Camix for pre-emergence and post-emergence use in corn and grain sorghum.

Applications can be made up to 14 days before planting and until corn reaches 30 inches or the eight-leaf stage.

Zemax may be applied up to 21 days before planting sorghum that was seed-treated with a commercial safener.

– Gramoxone SL (paraquat) is a new formulation that replaces Gramoxone Inteon.

Valent – Fierce 76WG (flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone) contains the active ingredient in Valor along with the new active ingredient pyroxasulfone.

Fierce must be applied at least seven days before planting no-till or reduced tillage corn.

Currently, Fierce is not registered for use in soybean, and soybean is not a rotational crop listed on the label. Therefore, cornfields treated with Fierce in 2012 must be planted back to corn in 2013.

Hager reminds users to be sure to consult the most recent product labels for more complete information and product use guidelines and restrictions.