Farm and Dairy’s week in review: 7/18

Week in Review 7/18

Here are this week’s top stories from Farm and Dairy:

1. Jefferson County shale lawsuit seeks $9.2 million in lease signing bonuses

More than 50 Jefferson County landowners, including Toronto City Schools and five towns, have filed a lawsuit against American Energy Utica and Great River Energy for breach of contract. They are seeking more than $9.2 million from the two companies for overdue lease signing bonuses and attorney fees. The plaintiffs are also seeking $25,000 each for breach of contract.

Landowners in Columbiana and Belmont counties have also entered into oil and gas lease agreements with Great River Energy, but no lawsuits have been filed there to date.

2. Keepin’ it fresh: How to store garden produce

While food’s natural enzymes cause it to ripen and eventually spoil, correct storage ensures prolonged shelf life.

Online columnist Ivory Harlow shares her best tips for storing your homegrown fruits and vegetables, plus the basics you need to know about pantry, fridge and freezer temperatures and humidity controls for specific fruits and vegetables.

3. Heavy rains could lead to near-record algal bloom

Last year, Lake Erie’s harmful algae bloom caused the city of Toledo, Ohio, to enact a drinking water ban for two days. This year, due to near-record rainfall in many Ohio counties, the algal bloom may be more severe than originally thought.

Even though researchers, farmers and governments have put conservation practices in place to reduce runoff, severe weather remains an issue for combating the algal bloom. Aside from causing more runoff, last month’s heavy rains contributed to sewage overflow and municipal runoff.

4. States, industry groups sue EPA, Army Corps

Twenty-seven states and a group of agricultural and business industry organizations have filed lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers over new federal rules regarding the Clean Water Act.

The new rules, according to the plaintiffs, give the government too much authority over land use, while the EPA says the changes will have little impact on agricultural land.

5. Exporting live animals easier, thanks to the Rickenbacker Airport

The Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio, is one of the few U.S. airports approved for the embarkation of animals. The airport has flights to Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Germany and Dubai.

Although it is less expensive to transport livestock via cargo ship, an airplane is much quicker. A cargo ship may take a month to get animals to their destination, while an airplane can deliver animals within 48 hours to anywhere in the world.