Shifting Gears…Ryan


1947 Gibson
Owned and restored by Charles V. Ryan, Canton, Ohio

“My wife was not happy with me the day I brought the parts and pieces of my 1947 Gibson tractor home,” writes Charles Ryan of Canton. “She figured we had enough ‘junk’ around the house, plus I had paid $400 for the junk, to boot.

“But I was intrigued with the tiller steering. I thought the tractor was amazing in its simplicity. The engine drives a four-belt pulley, which is attached to a 12-inch chain drive, which runs a three-speed transmission, which turns a huge 4:10 ratio rear end.

“After many hours of loving restoration and giving it a rebuilt 8 horse Wisconsin engine, ‘Drafter’ is ready for its first pull. People have offered to buy the tractor, but now neither my wife, nor I will part with it!”

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