COLUMBUS — Ohio Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Agricultural Professionals will hold its annual Winter Leadership Experience Feb. 3-4 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus.
The keynote speaker for the conference is Tyne Morgan. Morgan is the host for U.S. Farm Report. State Sen. Bob Peterson and Tim Corcoran, Nationwide Board chairman will also address the attendees.
The conference also will feature a performance by Tim, the Dairy Farmer. Tim has been performing comedy for 15 years and he’s been farming his whole life.
Attendees will choose from among 20 workshops including phosphorus levels in Ohio, ag finance to gain ownership of farms, starting a CSA, cover crops, artisan cheese making, fighting hunger in Ohio, contract livestock feeding, building your personal brand, direct marketing, how to start a local YAP group and many more.
Register online at or by contacting a county Farm Bureau office. County office information can be found at
Registration cost for an individual with no hotel room is $100 or $150 with a hotel room. Two people sharing a room can get the discounted registration price of $225 for both registrations.
Finals of the Discussion Meet contest also will take place at the conference.
For more information and to view the full agenda, visit
Ohio Farm Bureau’s Young Agricultural Professionals program is open to individuals and couples between 18-35 who are interested in improving the business of agriculture, learning new ideas and developing leadership skills.