What’s the dirt on urban soils?


PITTSBURGH — Penn State Extension of Allegheny County is offering classes on the chemical and the physical properties of urban soils at the Extension office in Point Breeze. The classes will be taught by Penn State University professors of soil science.

Class I

The Chemical Side of Urban Soils class will be Nov. 11.

Soil quality is a function of its physical, chemical and biological properties which interact to affect important soil processes including water infiltration, percolation, retention and storage, aeration, nutrient storage and decomposition. This session will emphasize the chemical properties of soils with discussion on soil testing, soil fertility, and dealing with high levels of heavy metals.

Class II

The Physical Side of Urban Soils class will be Nov. 17.

This session will examine physical properties of soils in undisturbed, natural environments vs. soils in the urban/suburban environment. Topics include physical properties of soils and how they affect site stability, storm water management, erosion control, soil mechanics, the soil’s ability to support vegetation and human health.


Registration for each class is $20 or register for both classes for $30. To register, call Tawnesha at Penn State Extension at 412-473-2540. Class size is limited to the first 60 registrants.