PIPESTEM, W.Va. — Volunteers are welcome to join the annual survey of the skies and waterways of the Pipestem area for golden and bald eagles. The annual eagle survey of the Bluestone/Pipestem area of southern West Virginia is looking for volunteer spotters for the March 5 event.
The four-hour survey will pair professional birders with novice or beginning bird watchers and assign them to observation sites.
Pipestem Resort State Park Naturalist Julie McQuade and others, including former Pipestem Naturalist Jim Phillips, will organize the survey teams and leaders with volunteers. There are multiple sites, based on the number of people who confirm participation. Everyone will be contacted in advance with instructions.
When the survey concludes at 2 p.m., all teams will meet in Hinton to compare and compile notes. To register, email Jim Philips at jim@tracwv.org, or contact Julie McQuade at 304-466-1800, or Julie.A.McQuade@wv.gov, by March 1.
The 2015 spring (March) survey confirmed 24 bald eagles. The 2016 winter survey (January) confirmed 33 bald eagles and four golden eagles. Past eagle and migratory bird surveys at Pipestem or the Pipestem area are maintained for public record at www.pipestemresort.com/Surveys.html.