Trumpeter swans removed from Threatened Species List

Trumpeter swan
Hunted for their feathers and skins, trumpeter swans had disappeared from Ohio by the early 1700s. A 7-year reintroduction program, plus efforts to improve wetlands and control invasive plants and mute swans have resulted in more than 100 adult swans breeding in the state in recent years. (Tim Daniel, Ohio Division of Wildlife, photo)

COLUMBUS — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Natural Resources Director Mary Mertz announced on April 12 that the Ohio Wildlife Council will remove the trumpeter swan from the state’s threatened species list. The delisting is a result of a 28-year effort by the ODNR Division of Wildlife to restore a population of trumpeter swans in Ohio.

The trumpeter swan population in Ohio currently stands at nearly 900, with swans residing in 26 different counties.

The trumpeter swan population saw major declines throughout North America in the 1700s and 1800s due to unregulated harvest and wetland habitat loss. They were stamped out of Ohio as early as the 1700s.

As aquatic habitat improvements and successful reintroductions in other Midwest states occurred, the Division of Wildlife began a trumpeter swan reintroduction program in 1996 by collecting swan eggs from an established population at the Minto Flats State Game Refuge in central Alaska. The eggs were placed in incubators and flown to Ohio, where the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and The Wilds of the Columbus Zoo partnered to help care for the eggs, raise the young trumpeters and release them in appropriate habitats. Trumpeter swans were listed as an endangered species upon release and populations have been on the rise ever since, leading to a positive downgrade to threatened status in 2012.

“Trumpeter swans represent a great comeback story for Ohio. This is just one of many examples of the conservation work ODNR has been doing for the last 75 years,” said Director Mertz. “Through the hard work and dedication of our staff and conservation partners we can once again see trumpeter swans fly through Ohio’s skies.”

Wetland complexes on state wildlife areas such as Funk Bottoms, Killdeer Plains, Magee Marsh and Mosquito Creek provided the critical habitat Ohio’s trumpeters needed.

Today, programs such as H2Ohio are restoring more wetlands on public and private lands with benefits of improved water quality for all Ohioans and enhanced wildlife habitats.

Delisting trumpeter swans. Ohio’s 2010 Swan Management Plan established a goal for delisting trumpeter swans when the population reached 40 or more breeding pairs for three consecutive years. Biologists confirmed more than 40 breeding pairs for the first time in 2015 and every year since. Ohio hosted 152 breeding pairs in 2023.

Another prerequisite for delisting was for trumpeters to breed in at least 15 counties. The latest survey documented trumpeters breeding in 26 counties. By both metrics, trumpeter swan populations have surpassed the Division of Wildlife’s management goals for the species.

The recovery of the trumpeter swan is a monumental conservation success story in Ohio. The trumpeter’s recovery parallels the restoration of bald eagle and osprey populations in the last several decades. Trumpeters will continue to receive protection in the state under federal and state wildlife laws. The Division of Wildlife’s monitoring and management efforts to increase trumpeter swan populations and their habitat are ongoing.