WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Dairy nutritionists, veterinarians, producers and others interested in the industry are invited to attend the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, hosted by Ohio State, Purdue and Michigan State universities.
The 22nd annual conference is April 23-24 at the Grand Wayne Center, 120 West Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne, Ind.
“One of the major things facing the dairy industry is the cost of production, and volatile milk prices and increased feed prices in recent years have eroded the profitability of dairy farms,” said Maurice Eastridge, Ohio State Extension dairy specialist.
What’s covered
The conference will feature presentations from experts from across the United States and beyond on three themes: Herd health and management, new technologies and improving animal and herd efficiency.
Eastridge said the three land-grant universities have cultivated productive partnerships over the years to help better serve the dairy industry. Faculty, students, producers and industry professionals also will have the opportunity to build their professional networks at the conference.
Undergraduates and graduate students can present research in a competition for cash awards. Undergraduates can attend the conference for free. Graduate students presenting research also receive a complimentary registration; otherwise their fee is $75.
The conference is $165 per person. Checks should be made payable to The Ohio State University. Registration is requested by April 12.Contact Michelle Milligan at 614-292-7374 or milligan.4@osu.edu for group discounts or questions about registration.
A $30 fee will be added to late registrations and registrations received at the door. A preconference session hosted by RP Feed Components focusing on protein nutrition for dairy cows will be held 8-11:45 a.m. April 23, in the Calhoun Ballroom at the Grand Wayne Center.