There’s still time to help Farm and Dairy


Christmas wouldn’t be the same without …

Christmas is approaching, and along with it, traditions that persist from year to year, generation to generation.

Here at Farm and Dairy we’d like to know what it is that makes this time of year special for you. What is that one tradition that defines your holiday?

Send us a one-sentence description of your must-have holiday tradition. Your submissions will be published in the Dec. 23 issue of Farm and Dairy, as well as on the Farm and Dairy website.

Submissions will be accepted through Dec. 16 by 5 p.m. Send them to Farm and Dairy Traditions, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460 or e-mail Include your name, hometown and phone number for verification.

This year I really want to …

Every year people feel the need to make resolutions. Here at Farm and Dairy, we’re interested in what you want to do this year, not what you feel you should do.

What’s on the top of your wish list this year? Traveling somewhere, remodeling your kitchen or adopting a puppy? Let us know what would make 2011 your best year yet.

Finish our sentence above, and send us a one-sentence description of your biggest wish for the year. Your submissions will be published in the Dec. 30 issue of Farm and Dairy, as well as on the Farm and Dairy website.

Submissions will be accepted through Dec. 16 by 5 p.m. Send them to Farm and Dairy Traditions, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460 or e-mail Include your name, hometown and phone number for verification.