The Federal Milk Marketing Improvement Act of 2011 has been revised and is at the legislative council getting into the proper format. Once again our farmers are facing more difficult times and we need to make the right changes before it is too late for most of them.
Proposals are being brought forth again on what needs to be done to solve the crisis but there is only one proposal that will give our farmers not only the cost of producing their product but will also give them profitability.
The Federal Milk Marketing Improvement Act of 2011 is the only hope the farmers truly have. Why is it so hard for our government officials to realize that the farmers who are supplying their country with safe quality food need to earn a living? Why is it that they should not be paid a fair price for their product? They cant keep providing our nation a quality product for an unfair price.
They have called 2009 the year of the Depression for the farmers, but from what we are hearing the 2011 year will be even harder for them. The prices may be up for a short time but the holes that were dug from 2009 are still there Now on top of that, equity has been used up, and costs for the products ( seed, fertilizer, fuel etc.) have all skyrocketed.
Lending agencies are not lending so how will the crops go in or be harvested if they get in? It is time that Washington wake up before we can’t turn back. We do not want to rely on imports to feed our nation and WE SHOULD NOT.
Our nation was built by our farmers, we need to help them survive so we can have our great nation back, we need to secure our food supply. We need to get the Federal Milk Marketing Improvement Act of 2011 passed before it is too late.
I encourage all farmers, consumers, congressmen and senators to read the Federal Milk Marketing Improvement Act of 2011 and find out from someone like Arden Tewksbury why this is the proposal to support. Tewksbury’s number is 570-313-7209. Do the right thing and call and find out more about this proposal and how we can return profitability to your farmers again.
Robin Fitch
West Winfield, N.Y.
You can return profitability to farmers by getting the government out of the farm business and out of my fields! If I were free to farm I could make a profit. we don’t need government to make this country great again, we need liberty to BE great again.