AKRON, Ohio — Summit Soil and Water Conservation District is taking nominations for its 2024 Big Tree Contest. The American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) was chosen as the tree for this year.
American sycamore trees are easily identified by their height and distinct white bark. Also known as sycamore or American planetree, this tree easily reaches heights of 80 feet tall and 60 feet wide but can grow much larger.
Participants will fill out the nomination form to submit a nomination for a tree they believe might be the largest in the county. Qualified personnel will measure the trees to determine the winner. In addition to size information, the Summit SWCD will look at the ability of the tree to capture stormwater.
One American sycamore with a diameter of 45 inches can absorb as much as 7,540 gallons of stormwater runoff each year.
For more information about the Big Tree Contest or to receive a nomination form, contact Sandy at 330-926-2452 or sbarbic@summitoh.net.