Summit County urban farming initiative seeks participants


AKRON, Ohio — OSU Extension in Summit County, in partnership with the Summit Food Policy Coalition, announces the 2011 Summit Urban Farming Initiative training program.

The program is targeted at new and emerging urban farmers and market gardeners in Akron and Summit County. The program will teach how to plan, budget and conduct a successful urban farm venture and is offered from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday evenings, Feb.17-March 24.

What’s covered

Topics will include business planning, marketing, creating a niche, finding land, working with farmers’ markets and other topics essential to the development of urban agricultural businesses. Sessions will be taught by educators from OSU Extension, The Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy, the Summit Food Policy Coalition and other organizations.

Cost for the series is $125 per person. All training sessions will meet at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Exchange Street in Akron. SUFI Green is a special three-session evening program focusing on the how-to’s of urban agriculture.

SUFI Green will be offered on March 31, April 7 and April 14. Topics include managing pests, extending the season, keeping chickens and other animals, growing fruit and keeping bees in the city. Cost for SUFI Green is $65.

To download a registration form go to and click on the Agriculture and Natural Resources tab. For more information, contact OSU Extension at 330-928-4769 ext. 21, or e-mail