Spangler finds sweet success with Ohio’s farmers


TOLEDO, Ohio — Dum Dums, the iconic candy treats made by the Spangler Candy Company in Bryan, Ohio, were originated nearly 90 years ago. But their popularity shows no signs of fading as more than 10 million Dum Dums are made every day — more than the number of hamburgers made daily by McDonald’s.

Spangler’s history goes deep, especially with their connection to northwest Ohio’s agriculture industry.


Kirk Vashaw, president/CEO, Spangler Candy Company, will provide an overview of the 106-year-old family business, share a look into the U.S. Sugar Support Program and its impact on the candy industry, and the vast amount of corn Spangler purchases every year, during his presentation, “Sweet Success: Candy, Sugar and Farming” at the monthly Northwest Ohio Ag-Business Breakfast Forum, June 21 from 7:30-9 a.m.

The program begins at 8 a.m. with informal networking prior, hosted by the Center for Innovative Food Technology at the Agricultural Incubator Foundation, north of Bowling Green, Ohio.

Family business

In 2008, Vashaw became Spangler’s 7th president in their history, and the first fourth-generation family member to lead the company.

The Northwest Ohio Ag-Business Breakfast Forum is an educational networking opportunity to provide information on current issues, trends and programs available to the agricultural community and those who support its advancement.

Farmers, agribusiness owners and supporters of Ohio’s agricultural economy are encouraged to join CIFT the third Thursday every month for this forum. The cost is $10 per person (cash or check at the door) which includes breakfast and networking opportunities.


The Agricultural Incubator Foundation is at 13737 Middleton Pike (St. Rt. 582) in Bowling Green. Walk-ins are welcome, but guests are encouraged to reserve a seat in advance by emailing