Small Farm College accepting registrations


HAMILTON, Ohio. — The Ohio State University is offering Small Farm College, an eight-session short course, held one night a week.

The 2018 Ohio New and Small Farm College program will be hosted in two locations: The Butler County location will be held at the OSU Extension Butler County office, 1802 Princeton Road, Hamilton.

Classes will be on Thursdays beginning Jan. 18 and concluding March 8. There will be a farm tour March 10. Contact the Butler County Extension Office at 513-887-3722 for more information. Register online at

The Scioto County area will host a session at the Shawnee State University Massie Hall, 940 Second Street, Portsmouth.

Classes will be on Mondays beginning Jan. 29 and concluding March 19. A farm tour will March 31.

For more information, contact Scioto County Extension at 740-354-7879. Register online at

All colleges will start each evening at 6 p.m. with a light dinner, with the nightly presentations beginning at 6:30 p.m. and concluding at 9 p.m.

Topics include goal setting, resource inventory, business planning, land use, natural resource management, legal issues, insurance, finances, record keeping, marketing and production options.


The cost of the course is $150 per person, $100 for an additional family member. Each participating family will receive a notebook full of the information presented in each class session, plus additional materials.

Registrations are now being accepted. For more details about the course and/or a registration form, contact Tony Nye, Small Farm College program coordinator, 937-382-0901 or email,