Sheep breeders compete at KILE

KILE sheep

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Supreme champion honors in the sheep show went to a Pennsylvania Tunis ram and a Wisconsin Hampshire ewe Oct. 6, during the Keystone International Livestock Exposition.

Kyle MacCauley from Atglen, Chester County, won the ram show with his Tunis ram, Maccauley 1801 QR. Luke Benjamin of Richland Center, Wisconsin, won the ewe show with his Hampshire ewe, Benjamin 1738.

Judges for the shows were Alex Wolf from Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and Gary Saylor from Belle Center, Ohio.

Exhibitors of the grand champion rams and ewes from each breed included:

Border Leicester. Champion ram: Overlook Manor Farm, Warrenton, Va.; Champion ewe: Callie Taylor of Timblin, Jefferson Co.

Cheviot. Champion ram: Brooke Mazepink, Chester Co.; champion ewe: Joan Lawrence, Chester Co.; champion sale ewe, Stephany Wisler, Cumberland Co.;

Columbia. Champion ram: Bruce L. Snyder, Berks Co.; champion ewe: W. Keith Stumbo, of Honeoye, N.Y.;

Corriedale. Champion ram and ewe, champion sale ewe: Joana Friesz of Brookings, S.D.;

Dorper. Champion ram and ewe: Jessica Larrick, Leesburg, Ohio;

Dorset. Champion ram and ewe: Olivia Waggoner, Adams Co.;

Horned Dorset. Champion ram and ewe: Willow Manor Farm, Carbon Co.;

Hampshire. Champion ram: Mikara Anderson, Huntingdon Co.; champion ewe: Luke Benjamin of Richland Center, Wis.; champion sale ewe: Callie Taylor, Jefferson Co.;

Lincoln. Champion ram: Tayler Garges, Bucks Co.; champion ewe: Darlene Leary, of Oakham, Mass.;

Merino. Champion ram: Chris Smith, of Jeromesville, Ohio; champion ewe: Lew Crouse, Greene Co.;

Montadale. Champion ram: Bill Poppen, of Desmet, S.D.; champion ewe: Craig and Kendra Fleck of Brookings, S.D.;

Natural Colored. Champion ram: Dylan Nohner of Watkins, Minn.; champion ewe: Kylie Schakel of Atlanta, Ind.;

Oxford. Champion ram: Jessica Reisdorf of Attica, N.Y.; champion ewe: Barret Marshall, of Arlington, S.D.;

Rambouillet. Champion ram and ewe: Obanion Farms of Waynesville, Ohio.

Shropshire. Champion ram: Denise Hardisky, of Horseheads, N.Y.; champion ewe: Callie Taylor, Jefferson Co.

Southdown. Champion ram and ewe: Derek Wilson, Crawford Co.; champion sale ewe: LC Scramlin, of Holly, Mich.

Suffolk. Champion ram: Kyle MacCauley, Chester Co.; champion ewe: Terry Renn of Pigeon, Mich.; champion sale ewe: Emily Bollinger, Lancaster Co.

Tunis. Champion ram and ewe: Kyle MacCauley, Chester Co.