Roundup of gardening news for Sept. 14, 2023

gardening news


Open house. Open house The Mahoning County Master Gardener Volunteer program is offering an open house from 3 to 5 p.m. Sept. 27 where people can learn how to become a master gardener volunteer and share their enthusiasm for gardening with others.

Come to the Ohio State University Extension Office, 490 S. Broad Street, Canfield, for social time to talk about the program, enjoy refreshments and fellowship with current volunteers. Volunteers are not required to have gardening skills or knowledge, only a passion for learning about gardening and sharing this knowledge with others.

To RSVP, call the Mahoning County Extension Office at 330-533-5538. Walk-ins are welcome as well.

Tea party. The Holborn Herb Growers Guild is pleased to announce its annual Tea Party, to be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Oct. 1, at the Hay & Grain Building in the Canfield Fairgrounds, located on State Route 46, Columbiana Canfield Road Gate 5 entrance.

Adults and children are encouraged to attend this year’s planned festivities which will feature the sampling of herbal teas along with the samplings of both savory and sweet delicacies to delight the palate. Tour herb gardens and historic buildings in the Western Reserve Village. Guest speaker “Tea Chef” Alfred Farrand will discuss the history of teas and English tea etiquette.

As a take-home keepsake of the event, souvenir tea cups and saucers will be gifted to each visitor. Basket raffles will be offered along with a door prize drawing.

Tickets are $20 per person and children 10 years of age and under are $10, cash or check. Ticket sales are limited. For ticket information and purchasing, contact Bunny at 330-507-8565.


Seed saving class. Join Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteer Nikki Coben to learn basic seed-saving techniques from 10 a.m. to noon Oct. 7. Learn how to select, collect, process and store seeds from your favorite vegetables, fruits, annual and perennial plants and trees. Registration is required.

Each class will be held at the Geauga County Extension Office, Patterson Center, 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. Call for more information and registration at 440-834-4656. Information can also be found online at