Roundup of gardening news for Oct. 24, 2019

gardening news

Allegheny County (PA.)

Greenhouse meeting. The Western Pennsylvania Fall Greenhouse Meeting, hosted by Penn State Extension, will provide research-based information for greenhouse growers on pest and disease control, proper cultural practices, new varieties of plants and marketing ideas Nov. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Soergel Orchards, 2573 Brandt School Road in Wexford, Pa.

The workshop also will give growers and their employees an opportunity to earn pesticide re-certification credits.

There is a $50 registration fee. To register, visit If you cannot register online, call 877-345-0691 for assistance, Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Registration deadline is Nov. 4. Contact Tom Ford for more information at or 814-472-7986.


Master Gardener training. The Master Gardener Volunteer Program trains volunteers for Ohio State University Extension in Coshocton County to help further the mission of engagement and outreach.

After receiving more than 50 hours of education, each intern must complete 50 hours of service to become fully certified Ohio State Master Gardener volunteers.

There will be two informational meetings to answer questions about the 2020 training program, Nov. 4, 6-7 p.m., and Nov. 20, 6-7 p.m., at the Coshocton County Extension office, 724 S. Seventh St., Coshocton.

The next training classes in Coshocton County will be Monday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Coshocton County Extension office, and the training dates are Feb. 10, 17 and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; April 6, 20 and 27; May 4, 11 and 18; and June 1 and 8.

The cost for this training program is $135. Attendance at one of the informational meetings is not necessary, but is recommended.

Contact David Marrison at 740-622-2265 or for more information. An application packet can be found online at

(To add a nonprofit event to our gardening listing, send details at least three weeks in advance to: Gardening News, Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or email: