Roundup of gardening news for May 26, 2022

gardening news


Cement leaves. The Geauga County Master Gardener volunteers are holding two classes for participants to make decorative cement leaves. The classes will be held from 9 a.m. to noon, June 11, and 7 to 9 p.m., June 15. An off-site address will be provided upon registration. The cost is $50 to preregister. In the first class, participants will select a leaf  and learn how to mold and cast the leaf in cement. The second class, participants will release the leaf from its mold and prep it for decorative finish.

All materials, except for decorative finishes, are provided.  Register with Wendy at 440-834-4656. Mail checks payable to OSU Extension Geauga County, Patterson Building, P.O. Box 387, Burton, OH 44021.


Garden tour. The Richfield Historical Society is sponsoring a Garden Tour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 11. Five gardens will be featured. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased the day of the event behind the society’s museum, at 3907 Broadview Road. 

Picnic tables are available to sit at and relax in between garden visits. Restroom facilities are accessible and bottled water will be offered. And be sure to check out the Society’s Plant Sale/Swap — held in conjunction with the Garden Tour — which will also be behind the museum and will offer bargains galore on a variety of perennials and houseplants. 

For more information about the garden tour and/or plant sale/swap, call Linda at 330-659-6819 or 330-659-0336.

(To add a nonprofit event to our gardening listing, send details at least three weeks in advance to: Gardening News, Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or email: