Roundup of gardening news for May 19, 2022

gardening news


Seeds available. Mahoning County Extension will be distributing sample seed starter packets at various locations across Youngstown the week of May 16 while supplies last, May 19, at Sebring High School, 225 East Indiana Avenue, in Sebring, and May 20, 1-4 p.m. at Alta Head Start, 345 Oakhill Drive, in Youngstown. 

Each packet contains a combination of carrots, cucumbers, lettuce or sunflowers and will also have instructions on how to plant and care for your seeds. Learn more about how to start your garden, and participants who fill out the survey after can also enter to win a set of garden tools. 

Victory Gardens have historical significance in our country, as an effort to plant fruits, vegetables and herbs during challenging times to contribute to the cause. The Ohio Department of Agriculture and Ohio State University Extension are reviving the movement. Seed packet distribution is in partnership with the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the Victory Garden — Let’s Grow Ohio initiative. 

For questions regarding Victory Gardens, contact at the department of agriculture. For questions regarding local distribution of seed packets, call the Mahoning County OSU Extension office at 330-533-5538.

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Garden partners. Mahoning County is calling on any individuals or groups interested in starting or maintaining a garden and working with local youth in the Mahoning Valley for the summer. The Good Natured Garden Partners program is a collaboration between Ohio State University Mahoning County Extension and local youth programs in the Mahoning Valley. 

Youth will team up with trusted and knowledgeable adults to form a Growing Team to tend to an urban garden for the growing season. Growing Teams will be provided some starter materials for their garden, and in addition they can also be sponsored by community organizations. 

These teams, comprised of adults and children, are tasked with planting a garden and participating in the Veggies and More Tour events that take place on Monday nights throughout the summer. After all their hard work growing their garden, teams will compete for a variety of prizes. 

To learn more and apply to the program, visit With questions, call the Mahoning County Extension office at 330-533-5538.

(To add a nonprofit event to our gardening listing, send details at least three weeks in advance to: Gardening News, Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or email: