Roundup of gardening news for Feb. 2, 2023

gardening news


Master Gardener volunteer training. Beginning Feb. 7, this 12-week course covers everything from fruit to perennials and soils to herbs. Learn all about gardening and the volunteer program that supports horticulture throughout Mahoning and Columbiana Counties. Classes will take place at the OSU Extension Office, 490 S. Broad St. in Canfield. For details and an application, go to 

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Ohio-certified volunteer naturalist training. Beginning Feb. 7, this 12-week certificate course covers geology, soils, mammals, reptiles, forestry, entomology, ornithology, mammals and more. Participants will hear from local experts and interact with nature. Course is eight Tuesday evenings and four Saturdays. Courses will take place at the OSU Extension Office, 490 S. Broad St. in Canfield, as well as four on-site locations at nature centers and parks. For details and an application, go to 

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White tailed deer in Ohio, Feb. 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Mahoning County Extension Office. Tom Frank, State Wildlife Officer, Ohio Division of Wildlife, will cover the basics of what you should know regarding white-tailed deer in Ohio. Cost of the program is $5. To register, call 330-533-5538 or visit

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Take a peek inside vernal pools.  Join OSU’s Marne Titchenell March 16 for an exploration of woodland vernal pools and the life inside them. This program will discuss Ohio’s frogs, toads and salamanders that can be found in and around vernal pools. You will learn to ID frog calls, salamander species, and explore the world of macroinvertebrates — fairy shrimp, caddisflies, and more. Cost of the program is $5. Course will take place at Mahoning County Extension Office. To register, call 330-533-5538 or visit 

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Starting seeds. This course being held March 14 at 10 a.m. at Mahoning County Extension Office will cover what you need to know to jumpstart your 2023 gardening season. Cost of the course is $15 and includes refreshments and handouts. To register, call 330-533-5538 or visit

(To add a nonprofit event to our gardening listing, send details at least three weeks in advance to: Gardening News, Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or email: