Roundup of gardening news for Aug. 31, 2023

gardening news


Good bug booth. The Geauga County master gardener volunteers’ booth display, What Good Are Bugs?, will provide an engaging experience with activities for children of all ages at the Geauga County Fair from Aug. 31 through Sept. 4 in building 9 at the south end of the fairgrounds.

The Kids’ Corner will have displays and activities. For Pre-K through 2nd grade there will be a sand pile bug search. For 3rd grade and up the choices will include Insect Bingo, Interactive Q & A, and Connect Butterflies and Moths with their Larvae and Host plants. Adults can follow the ant trail and travel through displays, literature, and the Q & A boards which cover: How Composting Produces Nutrients, Bugs as Pollinators, Bugs as Predators, Bugs as Decomposers, Bugs as Food, and How Bugs are Destructive. Bring your gardening questions. There are MGV’s on duty to help find the information you need. Considering becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer? Information about joining the 2024 training class will be available.

Plant dying. Learn how to dye your own fabric with plant material Sept. 20 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. with the Geauga County master gardeners.

Join Master Gardener volunteer Jacque Gallagher and learn to utilize an ancient method that is still practiced in many countries around the world to dye fabric. Bring something to dye that is 100% cotton such as a tee shirt or pillowcase. Dress appropriately for working with dye.

Class size is limited to the first 30 paid registrants. Registration and $25 payment must be received by Sept.14, to hold your spot. No refunds will be given after Sept. 14. Class will be held at the Geauga County Extension Office, Patterson Center (at the north-west end of the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. Call for more information and registration at 440-834-4656. Information can also be found at and on Facebook at Geauga County Master Gardeners.

(To add a nonprofit event to our gardening listing, send details at least three weeks in advance to: Gardening News, Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or email: