Roundup of FFA news for Spet. 28, 2023


WEST SALEM, Ohio — The Northwestern-Wayne FFA chapter attended the Wayne/Ashland County Dairy Service Unit Twilight Tour hosted by New Prospect Farm located in Rittman, Ohio. On July 18, members of the chapter were able to help pass out a variety of dairy foods such as cheese and ice cream that were showcased by local producers from all over Ohio. These students parked cars and helped clean up after the event. The members who attended the event were Jacoby Gilbert, Kade Tegtmeier, Kaleb Badger, Chet McNeil, Triston Flinn, Haley Caldwell, Mallory Gilbert, Makenna Connelly, Emma Connelly, Addy Connelly, Taylor Wurst and Brooke Hershey.

INDIANAPOLIS — This summer,  FFA members from around the country converged in Washington, D.C., to evaluate their personal skills and interests, develop leadership talent and create service plans that will make a difference in their communities. Kirsten Boreman, of the Northwestern FFA chapter, was among those students traveling to D.C. this summer. Students attended the conference the week of June 21.  They spent the week under the guidance of professionals, counselors and FFA staff, participating in workshops, seminars and small group activities. FFA members were also able to tour landmarks, including the National Mall, Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian Museums and the U.S. Capitol. Members were also able to participate in congressional visits during the week.

MILLERSBURG, Ohio — On Sept. 5, the West Holmes FFA chapter volunteered their time to help clean up the Holmes County Home to prepare for the Annual Fall Auction. The chapter picked weeds and mulched through the flower beds and around the home. They also weed-eated around the home and the surrounding trail. Members who volunteered were: Garrett Fowler, Andi Schuch, Gabby Yates, Derek Miller, John Maloney, Wyatt Myers, Wyatt Schlauch, Laina Croskey, Bree Pringle, Quentin Vehrs, Alex Pringle, Maren Drzazga and Maison Carter.

On Sept. 12, the West Holmes FFA Chapter sent 11 members to county soils contest at the Willard Welch Farm in Nova. The Rural team included: Emma Eberhard, Cassidy Holasek, Malia Lennigton, Brianna Poventud, Madison Ringwalt and Sophia Stitzlein. The Urban team included: Hanna Bruce, Claire Drzazga, Rowan Holasek, Meghan Hughes and Gabby Mendoza. Members were able to learn a lot about soil that they can use in the future thanks to the assistance of the Ashland SWCD, Holmes SWCD and Welch Farms.

Seven members of the West Holmes FFA were invited to attend the Eastern States Exposition to participate in the Ag Issues Competition on Sept. 15. Garrett Fowler, Andi Schuch, Maren Drzazaga, Gabby Yates, Madison Ringwalt, Jenna Sheldon and Emma Eberhard all competed in the contest. The team had to pick an issue in agriculture to create a presentation about, this year’s topic was the Conservation Reserve Program, which is a government program that allows farmers to put their land in it to create money, and they have to leave it out of production. The team placed second at the Big E regional contest, which is a huge achievement. During the trip, the team also traveled to Niagara Falls, Boston and Salem, Massachusetts.

WEST SALEM, Ohio — Each year for the Wayne County Fair, Northwestern FFA is provided with an exhibit area to decorate and display the Ag Shop projects. The officer team selected a theme for the year and then displayed it in the fair booth. The theme for the year is Western. Projects from the Ag Shop classes 1, 2 and 3 were displayed. Students created electrical boards, post drivers, welding boards, welding cubes and birdhouses. The main part of the booth was decorated with Western decor and displays of all of the members from the FFA chapter along with the officer team. There were also pictures of the activities and community service projects that our chapter participates in. The members who helped set up the fair booth were Kade Tegtmeier, Kaleb Badger, Chet McNeil, Jack Morris, Kate Johnson, Brooke Hershey, Taylor Wurst, Mallory Gilbert, Makenna Connelly, Addy Connelly, Emma Connelly and Kirsten Boreman.

WEST SALEM, Ohio — The Wayne County FFA chapters presented Marcia Brueck with the Honorary Membership recognition Sept 14 at the Wayne County Fair. The award is given out to those who “show an unwavering support for the FFA and leave a permanent mark on the lives of members. Marcia Brueck showed her tireless efforts for the county FFA chapters but also the Wayne County Fair. Marcia is a mentor, a role model and a friend to the county, according to Northwetsern-Wayne FFA reporter Taylor Wurst. “We look up to her for guidance and value her wisdom. Marcia’s election to honorary membership is a testament to the great respect we hold for her,” Wurst said.