Roundup of FFA news for Sept. 26, 2024

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HOWARD, Ohio — East Knox FFA competed in the Eastern Regional National FFA Nursery/Landscape Career Development Event Sept. 13-14 at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts. A team of Aiden Kapper, Braylon Evans, Mackenzie Wilson and Ava Page placed fifth.

The team qualified for the Eastern Regional CDE by placing second in the Ohio Nursery/Landscape Career Development Event hosted by the Delaware Area Career Center in Delaware, Ohio last March. Individually, in the state contest, Kapper placed seventh, Page finished thirteenth and Evans placed 53rd out of 294 contestants.

This is the 11th time that an East Knox FFA Nursery/Landscape team has represented Ohio at a national event with three of those being at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts, and eight at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana; Louisville, Kentucky, or Kansas City, Missouri.


MILLERSBURG, Ohio — Seven West Holmes FFA graduates will receive their American Degrees this October during the National FFA Convention, including Olivia Gerber, Garrett Houin, Jess Miller, Pacee Miller, Alysa Pringle, Dakotah Ringwalt and Becca Schuch.

SAEs. Gerber’s Supervised Agricultural Experience involved raising market hogs and steers for the county fair. Houin’s SAE involved raising sheep and horses, working for soil and water and working on a rodeo animal operation. Jess Miller’s SAE involved raising cattle, hogs and working on a beef operation. Pacee Miller’s SAE involved managing a crossbred cow-calf beef herd. Pringle’s SAE involved working on a local dairy farm and raising animals for the fair. Ringwalt’s SAE involved raising animals for the fair and working on a dairy operation. Schuch’s SAE involved operating a diversified crop and grain farm.


CRESTON, Ohio — Sixteen members of Norwayne FFA volunteered at the Wayne County Fair livestock judging competition on Sept. 7. Members helped show the animals by walking them around the ring and setting them up so they could be judged and placed. Members also helped collect answer sheets from participants. Additionally, 18 members helped with collecting recycling at the fair.


SHELBY, Ohio — Shelby FFA participated in the Richland County Soil Judging contest on Sept. 13. The urban soils team placed first and included Violet Auck, who was first in the contest, followed by Bergan Loenhardt in third and Courtney Stuckey in sixth. The rural soils team also placed first with members Sarah Smith in second, Carson Secriskey in fourth, Sam Fairchild in fifth, Jack Stover in sixth and Kyleigh Biglin in seventh. The other members of Shelby FFA who participated included Bryanna Francis, Dashawna Davis, Addison Shira, Sean Nolen, Kassie Klema and Jacob Taylor.

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