SOUTH CHARLESTON, Ohio — A few Southeastern FFA members volunteered their time Oct. 17, from 10 a.m. to noon, at Snyder Park in Springfield, Ohio. They carried out the chapter’s National Days of Service activity after being rained out two weeks prior.
Members worked together to decorate flower beds with stones and mulch under the direction of extension agents from the Clark County Ohio State University extension. The flower beds were designed by volunteers, who enjoyed having their ideas carried out by chapter members.
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JEROMESVILLE, Ohio — Winners of the National FFA Agricultural Sales Career Development event were announced at the annual awards banquet. The Hillsdale FFA Ag Sales team placed fourth in the nation, receiving a gold rating. The team members include Shawna Barr, Megan Schwendeman, Olivia Traylor and Zoey McBride.
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WATERFORD, Ohio — The Waterford FFA Rural Soil Judging team, which includes Dylan Hartline, Emma Hartline, Allison Huck, Cole Hansell, Dalson Greene and Bryson Ruble, is headed to Oklahoma, after participating in three different soil judging contests that lead them to becoming one of the best soil judging teams in Ohio.
The team placed second at the Washington County Soil Judging Contest, which was organized by the Washington County Soil & Water Conservation District and was hosted by the Fort Frye FFA Chapter. Allison Huck placed second individually in the county.
The team placed first at the District 10 Soils Contest, which was held in Washington County and was hosted by the Marietta FFA Chapter. Individually, Dylan Hartline placed first, Emma Hartline placed second, Cole Hansell placed fifth, Allison Huck placed sixth and Dalson Greene placed ninth out of 38 participants.
The team advanced to the state soils contest Oct. 9 when they placed fifth out of 50 teams at the competition held at the Delaware Wildlife Area. Allison Huck lead the team, placing 10th out of 180 participants.
The team has now advanced to the National Soils Contest that is to be held May 3-5 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This is the third time (2014, 2019) in its history that the Waterford FFA Chapter has advanced to the national contest.
The team is taking any donations towards the expenses of the trip. If interested, make checks out to the Waterford FFA Chapter and send to: The Waterford FFA Chapter-Rural Soil Judging Team, P.O. Box 67, Waterford, OH. 45786.