Roundup of FFA news for May 30, 2019

West Holmes FFA

LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — On May 24, the new Loudonville FFA officers held a camp-out to discuss and plan next year’s events.

Officers attending included: President Josh Book, Vice President Grant Portz, Historian Connor Portz, Student Advisor Charles Purdy, Treasurer Cody Morris, Sentinel Calabe Brightbill, Reporter Joshua Rhamey, and Secretary Jenna Book.

The team thanks Marj Drouhard for use of her property and pool for the retreat.

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PALMYRA, Ohio — The Southeast FFA Chapter attended the 91st Ohio FFA State Convention, May 2-3, where they visited the FFA Expo and watched three of their members received the State FFA Degree: Hannah Michael, Luke Grudosky and Alexis Bixler.

Members also toured the agriculture campus of the Ohio State University. Twenty chapter members and four chaperones attended.

Chapter members will also attend FFA Camp Muskingum this summer. Those members who tripled their fruit and beef jerky goals will attend for free.

The chapter held its annual petting zoo and tractor safety day on May 16. The district’s fourth graders attended the farm day and participated in three activities: tractor safety, animals, and going into the classroom to color in a coloring contest.

Members had a total of 20 animals and 15 tractors present at Farm Day.

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ohio — The Fayetteville FFA held its first Drive Your Tractor to School Day and Elementary Ag Day on May 10.

The Fayetteville members created and manned seven stations for the first and second graders of Fayetteville-Perry Elementary to visit to learn more about livestock animals, tractors, and feed. The classes had 30-minute rotations to visit the various stations to ask questions, interact with the animals, and learn more about the impact with agriculture.

Even with an unexpected rainfall, both activities were a success and the chapter is already planning them for next year.

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MILLERSBURG, Ohio — On May 11, the West Holmes FFA chapter held its annual banquet at the high school with over 250 guests and chapter members present.

American Degree recipients recognized were Thane Kaufman, Marissa Lamp, Juanita Miller, Jake Napier, Sarah Sprang, Leon Williams.

Special recognition was given to the following members: Taylor Feikert, DeKalb Award and recordkeeping award; Laura Irwin and Anna Irwin, outstanding senior awards; Lexi Ogi, outstanding junior award; Rebecca Sprang, Star Chapter Farmer; Jayme Pennell, outstanding sophomore award; Ethan Feikert, Star Greenhand, Ally Ogi and Cora Crilow, outstanding freshman awards.

John Hughes was honored as a national proficiency finalist in the area of dairy production entrepreneurship.

The state proficiency finalists recognized were: Drew Mast, diversified horticulture, first; Logan Schlauch, agricultural processing, first, and dairy entrepreneurship, third; Jayme Pennell, wildlife production and management, first; Marissa Lamp, nursery operations, second;

Sarah Sprang, dairy placement, second; Chase Stitzlein, dairy entrepreneurship, second; Taylor Feikert, swine entrepreneurship, third; Hayley Davis, veterinary science, third; Brayden Shumaker, agricultural services, third; and Madison Stitzlein, beef entrepreneurship, third.

Members awarded Honorary Chapter Degrees to Monte and Shannon Rohr, Allison Rogers, Jane and Craig Houin, Duane Galbraith, and Aaron and Kayla Clark.

The chapter also presented Distinguished Service Awards to Patrick Miller, Tyler Renner, Sandra Miller and Teslie Kinsey.

New officers installed were: president, Jayme Pennell; vice president, Maddie Stitzlein; secretary, Kylie Ramirez; treasurer, Cora Crilow; reporter, Ally Ogi; historian, Amy Hughes; sentinel, Rebecca Sprang; student adviser, Lexi Ogi.

There was a silent auction of items put together by the members, and the banquet concluded with a live cake auction and other miscellaneous items auctioned by FFA member Macin Hager.

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