Roundup of FFA news for May 23, 2024


RACINE, Ohio — Racine Southern FFA held its banquet to recognize its members’ accomplishments on April 25 at Star Mill Park in Racine, Ohio.

Degrees. Members who earned their Discovery Degrees included Alexander Owsley, Autumn Bocook, Brieonna Martin, Bryer Holley, Chris Conley, Cianna Kinder, Eli Bailey, Hunter Lackey, Isabella Johnson, Jesse Sayre, Kaydon Bowling, Kaleb Bowling, Koleton Rhodes, Landen Lane, Lazareth Priddy, Madalyn Shockey, Madyson O’Brien, McKenzie Sellers, Neveah Camp, Parker Exline, Tyrell Johnson, Tysen Hupp, Wesley Venoy and Joslyn Hupp. Tyson Hupp earned the Star Discovery Award.

Members who earned their Greenhand Degrees included Jaylynn Hannah, Noah Heslep, Justin Lawson, Conner Lehew, Emma Owens, Matt Sands, Brilah Spires and Xander Alkire. Justin Lawson earned the Star Greenhand Award.

Members who earned their Chapter Degrees included Dylan Haye, Wyatt Smith, Will Smith and Hunter Jarrell. Wyatt Smith earned the Star Chapter Farmer Award.

Awards. A number of other awards were also given. The chapter’s Travis Adams Achievement Award was given to Michelle Adkins. Katie Rowe received the Outstanding Senior Award. Additionally, Maxine Rose was named an honorary member of the FFA.

Officers. The Racine Southern FFA officers for 2024-2025 are President Wyatt Smith, Vice President Nathanial Nero, secretary Skyler Allen, treasurer Will Smith, reporter Tyson Hupp, historian Hunter Jarrell and sentinel Hunter Lackey.


WEST SALEM, Ohio — Northwestern Wayne FFA hosted its annual banquet on April 20 to recognize members for their achievements.

Scholarship award pins. Members that received their scholarship award pins include Lilly Boreman, Grady Ellerbrock, Madison Miller, Madliyn Smith, Riley Damon, Brooke Hershey, Cara Mckay, Jack Morris, Sophia Morris, Brooke Nolletti, Clara Saal, Taryn Stoller, Alivia Aicone, Makenna Connelly, Addy Connelly, Emma Connelly, Kate Johnson, Chet McNeil, Kaylee Cherry, Gabi Riedel, Mallory Bloom, Nevaeh Kirk, Oliva Scarbrough, Evan Mckay, Morgan Ervin, Colton Mark, Mallory Gilbert, Kayla Cutter, Taylor Wurst, Brianna Lance, Alysa Troyan, Kaleb Badger, Haley Caldwell, Ella Saal, Kade Tegtmeier, Ellie Hanshaw, Jacoby Gilbert, Caydence Scale and Kirsten Boreman.

Proficiency awards. Haley Caldwell earned the Star Beef Production Award. Kade Tegtmeier earned the Star Community Service Award and Star Sheep Production Award. Jacoby Gilbert earned the Star Dairy Production Award. Makenna Connelly and Emma Connelly earned the Star Market Goat Production Award. Addy Connelly earned the Star Pygmy Goat Production Award. Kaleb Badger earned the Star Swine Production Entrepreneurship Award. Mallory Gilbert earned the Star Agricultural Sales Placement Award. Taylor Wurst earned the Star Equine Entrepreneurship Award.

Other awards. Brooke Hershey received the Star Greenhand Award. Addy Connelly, Emma Connelly, Makenna Connelly and Kate Johnson received the Star Chapter Award. Taylor Wurst received the Star County Award. Kade Tegtmeier received the Star DeKalb Award.

State degrees. Mallory Gilbert and Taylor Wurst earned their Ohio State FFA Degrees.

American degrees. Melanie Imhoff, Hanna Wilson and Lauran Vaughan earned their American FFA Degrees.


SHELBY, Ohio — Shelby FFA held its banquet on May 13 at Shelby High School. During the banquet, scholarships, star awards and the 2024-2025 officer team were announced.

Scholarships. Kelsey Snyder and Sofi Johnson received the Paul Champion Memorial scholarships. The Ohio Earth Tools scholarship was presented to Kelsey Snyder. Tori Hiler, Kelsey Snyder and Sofi Johnson received the Charles Niese Memorial scholarship. Sofi Johnson received the Andy Dawson Memorial scholarship and Kelsey Snyder received the Strauch Memorial scholarship. The FFA Alumni presented their two new scholarships to Sofi Johnson and Cadence Fairchild. Payton Byrd received the Ed Schroeder Freshman scholarship.

Star awards. Six outstanding members also received the chapter star awards. Riley Cantleberry received the Star Discovery Award. The Star Greenhand Award was presented to Trent Rodman. Natalie Korbas received the Star Sophomore Award. Cailey Fairchild received the Star Junior Award. The Star Senior award was given to Kelsey Snyder. Cadence Fairchild received the Star Chapter Farmer Award.

Officers. The 2024-2025 officer team includes President Jack Stover, Vice President Natalie Korbas, secretary Courtney Stiving, treasurer Kennedy Studer, reporter Cailey Fairchild, sentinel Payton Stover, student advisor Sarah Smith, historian Addi Shira, parliamentarian Abby Snyder, chaplin Grace Rietschlin, Strauch barn superintendent Sam Fairchild, Strauch land superintendent Grady Schroeder and community service coordinator Kyleigh Biglin.