EDON, Ohio — The Edon FFA chapter held its annual Tractor Drive-In Day, April 22, to promote safety around farm equipment and on the road during planting season. Members of the Safety Committee put up posters around the school prior to the event with messages about driving safely around farm equipment and to spread awareness about the dangers of passing farmers on the road. Nine members of the chapter participated in the drive-in: Emma Howard, Lance Reitzel, Lane Reitzel, Wade Parrish, Connor Towers, Wyatt Moore, Max Radabaugh, Jarrett Trausch and John Goebel. Edon elementary students participated in the day’s activities by hearing a safety demonstration from Edon FFA President Emma Howard. Additionally, they were able to drive pedal tractors and create their own 3-D paper tractor to take home with them. The day ended with a tractor parade around the school.
The Edon FFA Chapter traveled to Columbus May 5-6 to participate in the 94th Ohio FFA State Convention. Several of the FFA members from Edon were recognized on stage for various awards. Carlie Kiess, Olivia Mitchell and Kerrin Towers were recognized for earning gold ratings on their officer books during the second session. Additionally, the chapter had three members earn the highest degree the Ohio FFA Association can bestow on its members, the State FFA degree. Maddison Gearig, Emma Howard and Kendall Sheline received this degree.
The Edon FFA chapter celebrated a successful year by honoring students and supporters at its 83rd annual FFA banquet April 30, presided over by Emma Howard, president. The chapter gathered with parents and family members to celebrate and honor all of the members’ hard work and dedication.
The following 32 students received their Greenhand FFA degrees: Brodi Arnold, Leyla Avila-Garcia, Blake Baker, Grace Berry, Dylan Buck, Jaycea Craven, Allyson Derck, Alexis Dulle, Jimena Ferreira Martinez, Zoe Guillemette, Georgia Howard, Anne Hug, Cohen Hulbert, Parker Kelley, Lloa Mountz, Marley Moyer, Zayne Oberlin, Alexander Ogden, Sklar Osborn, Ahlia Peterson, Mason Pinkham, Max Radabaugh, Kyler Sapp, Miranda Schwartz, Trevor Shafer, Jacob Shepherd, Rowan Snyder, Carter Steinke, Hayden Tennant, Sophia Voss, Colton Willis and Natalie Wofford.
Additionally, 17 students earned their Chapter FFA degrees: Joseph Boyer, Clayton Dulle, William Follett, John Goebel, Katrionna Grimes, Joslyn Horne, Christopher Joice, Brandon Krontz, Chase Lassen, McKenzie Main, Kole Olds, Grace Reitzel, Lance Reitzel, Kendall Siebenaler, Jacob Smith, Jarrett Trausch and Peyton Trausch.
Edon FFA adviser Hannah Everetts then presented special awards and recognized the graduating seniors. The Star Greenhand Award was presented to Max Radabaugh; Outstanding Greenhand degrees were awarded to Skylar Osborn, Georgia Howard and Natalie Wofford; the Star Chapter degree was presented to John Goebel, while the Outstanding Chapter degrees were awarded to Jarrett Trausch and Grace Reitzel. The Star State degree was presented to Emma Howard, and the Outstanding State degrees were awarded to Maddison Gearig and Kendall Sheline. Top seniors, Kerrin Towers, Carlie Kiess and Olivia Mitchell, were presented with the DeKalb Award, and the following students were presented with Outstanding Senior plaques: Drew Gallehue and Gage Winebernner.
At the conclusion of the event, the 2022-2023 Edon FFA Officer Team was installed to their respective offices: Emma Howard, president; Grace Reitzel, vice president; Maddison Gearig, secretary; Skylar Osborn, treasurer; Jarrett Trausch, reporter; Max Radabaugh, sentinel; Ally Derck, student adviser; Georgia Howard, historian; John Goebel, parliamentarian; and Marley Moyer, chaplain.
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WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — The Miami Trace FFA chapter held the annual parent member banquet, April 22. The chapter recognized members, advisers, parents and other community members who helped make the last year such a success. Numerous scholarships were presented to senior FFA members. Miami Trace FFA Alumni presented scholarships to Libby Alshire, Drew Black, Jayden Brown, Tyler Cummings, Dylan Farley, Taylor Fenner, Caydance Gullette, Lexi Hagler, Reagan Ivers, Lorelei King, Chelsi Knisley, Alayna Mader, Wyatt Mayer, Weston Melvin, Mallory Pavey, Weston Pettit, Paighten Reed, Emily Taylor, Ashley Wilson and Lilly Workman. The Wendt Group Scholarship was awarded to Kennedy Worley and Madison Johnson. Lindsey Stump, Alex McCarty, and Bryce Bennett received the Steven Bennett Scholarship. Emily Moser was the recipient of the Mark Garland Scholarship. McKenna Casto received the Evans Family Scholarship.
There were four recipients of the Justin Stuckey Scholarship: Makenna McFadden, Sierra Kyle, Connor Collins and Abigail Brandt. The Cummings Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Alexis Gardener and Madison Johnson. The recipient of the Rick Cottrill Memorial Scholarship and the Knecht Scholarship was Blayne Ferguson. The Carmen Scholarship winner was Hidy Kirkpatrick. Finally, the Miller Scholarship was awarded to Bryce Bennett and Tyler Cummings.
Multiple officers and members presented leadership awards, outstanding member awards and scholarship awards. There were 28 State FFA degree recipients: Elliott Anthony, Caleb Bennett, Abigail Brandt, Cameron Casto, McKenna Casto, Jacob Cline, Averey Cockerill, Audrey Craig, Austin Etzler, Cameron Fannin, Dylan Farley, Jenna Goddard, Tannon Huff, Hidy Kirkpatrick, Natalie Lindsey, Mallory Lovett, Weston Melvin, Eli Miller, Mallory Mitchem, Cameron Morris, Lauren Morris, Emily Moser, Dalton Mullins, Mallory Pavey, Kelsey Pettit, Bryson Sheets, Mara Simonson and Kennedy Worley.
Proficiency finalists included Derek Mitchem, Swine production/Entrepreneurship; Tyler Cummings, Agricultural services; and Bryce Bennett, Poultry Production.
Leadership Awards are based on the FFA Leadership Profile Assessment. Freshman leadership award recipients included Megan Brandt, Garrett Carson, Caitlin Cottrill, Hannah Cummings, Hunter Havens, Mallory Johnson, Carley Payton, Cotey Payton, Emily Reeves and Eric Taylor. The sophomore leadership award recipients included Robbie Bennett, Mackenzie Cory, Nick Farrens, Jonah Goddard, Libby Johnson, Jake Manbevers, Jessee Stewart, Allie Stoughton, Lexi Streitenberger and Sarah Warner.
Junior leadership recipients included Caleb Bennett, Jacob Cline, Audrey Craig, Austin Etzler, Gracey Ferguson, Jenna Goddard, Natalie Lindsey, Mallory Lovett, Eli Miller and Kelsey Pettit. Senior leadership award recipients included Bryce Bennett, Drew Black, Connor Collins, Tyler Cummings, Mercedes Curnutte, Blayne Ferguson, Lexi Hagler, Hidy Kirkpatrick, Emily Moser, Weston Pettit and Emily Taylor.
Along with leadership awards, Outstanding FFA Member awards were given to the top 10 outstanding members of the chapter: 1. Bryce Bennett, 2. Hannah Cummings, 3. Weston Pettit, 4. Caleb Bennett, 5. Garrett Carson, 6. Tyler Cummings, 7. Libby Johnson, 8. Emily Taylor, 9. Natalie Lindsey, and 10. Connor Collins.
Freshman Star Greenhands were Garrett Carson and Hannah Cummings and the Star Farmer for 2022 was senior Bryce Bennett. The Star Chapter Agribusiness member was Weston Pettit.
The banquet ended with the announcement of the newly elected 2022-2023 FFA officers: Caleb Bennett, president; Mara Simonson, vice president; Hannah Cummings, secretary; Dalton Mullins and Cotey Payton, treasurers; Natalie Lindsey, reporter; Carly Payton, publicity reporter; Eric Taylor, student adviser; and Allie Stoughton, sentinel.
This year, the Miami Trace FFA chapter had six members receive scholarships from sponsors of the National FFA Organization. Bryce Bennett, son of Bruce and Tiffany Bennett, was awarded the scholarship from Grow Ag Leaders worth $1,000. He plans on attending The Ohio State University ATI and studying animal science. Mallory Pavey, daughter of Tony and Gail Pavey, also received the Grow Ag Leaders Scholarship, and will attend OSU ATI, majoring in Ag Business. Emily Taylor, daughter of Jeff and Kristi Taylor, is attending Bowling Green State University for speech and language pathology. She was awarded a $1000 scholarship from Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.
Weston Pettit, son of Greg and Lisa Pettit, received a combined $18,615 from Lincoln Electric Company and Darling Ingredients. Weston will be attending the University of Northwestern Ohio and studying high performance motor sports. Another recipient of the Grow Ag Leaders scholarship is Blayne Ferguson, son of Mike and Beth Ferguson. Blayne will be studying ag communications at Wilmington College.
Emily Moser, daughter of Joe and Tina Moser, was awarded the AGCO Corporation Scholarship for $2000. Emily plans to attend the Ohio State University to major in biology. Emily Moser was also awarded the Cal- Maine Foods, Inc. Scholarship worth $1000. Blayne Ferguson, son of Mike and Beth Ferguson, was awarded the Beck’s Hybrids Scholarship as well, worth $2,000.
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JEROMESVILLE, Ohio — The Hillsdale FFA trap shooting teams participated at West Holmes FFA trap shoot April 23 at the Silver Dollar Sportsman Club in Wooster. Team 1 placed first overall; team members include Mark Abel, who placed third individually; Brody Schoen, Bo Moody, Braydon Rakovec and Riley Twining. Team 2 members include Gavin Casdorph, Owen Hoffman, Lily Nethero, Bella Stutz and Jared Brown. They participated in the Hiland FFA trap shoot competition April 30 that was held at the Sugar Creek Sportsman Club in Sugar Creek. Team 1 placed first overall, with Brody Schoen placing second individually and Mark Abel placing fourth individually. Team 2 placed third overall, with Owen Hoffman placing third individually.
The Hillsdale FFA equine team took part in the Equine and Dairy Cattle Judging finals April 29 in Columbus. The team placed 10th in the state; team members include Madison Mast, who placed fifth individually; Taylor Rafeld, who placed 30th individually; Chloe Crowe, who placed 37th individually; and Cassidy Sinnett, who place 41st individually. The Dairy Cattle Career Development Event is an educational activity designed as a practical method of teaching students to select quality dairy cattle. Students were challenged with pedigree evaluation, sire selection, linear evaluation, a written test, placing classes and written class reasons. Emily McGovern placed seventh individually in state.
Thirty-five members of the Hillsdale FFA chapter participated in the 2022 Ohio FFA Convention at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus May 5-6. Six Hillsdale FFA members reached the state degree standards and were awarded the gold pin: Mark Abel, Ethan Goodwin, Gage Madsen, Emily McGovern, Gabe Murawski and Broderick Schoen. Emily McGovern, earned a gold rating on her reporter’s book and was awarded a gold pin. Hillsdale FFA members Peyton Hyatt, Braydon Rakovec and Cassian Filbrun were selected to participate in the state FFA band.
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MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The West Holmes FFA chapter volunteered their time April 29 at the Nashville Fun Fair. The chapter helped with the setup prior to the event, which included setting up the games and preparing chicken for the meal. After the Fun Fair ended, the chapter helped clean up and put away games. Chapter helpers included Colby Long, Alysa Pringle, Ally Ogi, Jess Miller, Madison Pearce Laferty, Kalan Bowling, Miley Snow, Grant Miller, Jenna Sheldon, Sarah Irwin, Casey Ogi, Ava Eberhard, Maren Drzazga, Quentin Vehrs, Lexy Starner, Garrett Fowler, Alex Pringle, Zora Starner, Laina Croskey and Pacee Miller.
The West Holmes FFA departed for the state convention May 5. On May 6, members attended the third session to see Garrett Houin place first for his proficiency in Outdoor Recreation and third for his proficiency in Service Learning. In the fourth session, Chloe Shumaker received an award for her gold rated secretaries book, Maren Drzazga received an award for her gold rated treasurer’s book, and Alysa Pringle received an award for her gold rated reporters book. At the fifth session, members Garrett Houin, Sarah Irwin, Jess Miller, Pacee Miller, Ally Ogi, Alysa Pringle, Leah Reining, Dakotah Ringwalt, Becca Schuch and Ashley Tate all received their state degrees.
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WATERFORD, Ohio — The Ohio FFA annually recognizes FFA members who rise to the top with the Ohio Star Awards. These members have gone above and beyond in their attitude, involvement, community service and supervised agricultural experience. Finalists for these awards have mastered skills in production, finance, management and/or research.
Anna Jones, a member of the Waterford FFA chapter was awarded the Ohio Star in Agricultural Placement during the 2nd session of the 94th Ohio State FFA Convention in Columbus May 5. She has now become one of only three members in Waterford’s history to be named a Star over Ohio. Her parents are Andy and Sharon Jones of Waterford and her agricultural education instructor and FFA adviser is Matthew Hartline. She is employed and works for her family’s farm, Lazy J Farms, a grain and cattle operation. She is currently enrolled at Ohio Northern University majoring in electrical engineering and will be completing an internship with AEP this summer.
For the third time in history, four members of the Waterford FFA chapter recently advanced to the 69th annual National Land and Range Judging Contest that was held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from May 3-5. The members included Allison Huck, Emma Hartline, Cole Hansell and Dylan Hartline. The contest was sponsored by the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts. During the contest, students learned how to evaluate surface and subsurface textures, depth of the soil, slope, erosion, permeability, surface runoff and recommended land treatments in relation to vegetative, mechanical and fertilizer and soil pH qualities.
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COLLINS, Ohio — The Western Reserve FFA chapter had two students receive their State FFA degree May 5. This is the highest award an FFA member can receive in the state of Ohio. The 2022 State FFA degree recipients are Aiden Beck and Anna Woodrum. With this degree, these two individuals can take a step forward when they graduate and apply for their American degrees, which is the highest degree the National FFA Association can award.
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SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — Members of the Northwestern-Wayne FFA chapter traveled to the Ohio State Fairgrounds to attend the Ohio FFA Convention. May 5-6. Hanna Wilson, Jadeyn Berry, Zoey Dudte, Rylee Dawson, Dugan McLaughlin, Kade Tegtmeier, Kaleb Badger, Lauren Vaughan, Kaylee Cherry, Kate Johnson, Kirsten Boreman, Haley Caldwell, Melanie Imhoff, Ava Stoller, Mallory Gilbert, Cheyenne Friend, Jacoby Gilbert, Makenna Connelly, Cheyenne Friend, Emma Connelly, Gabby Riedel, Nevaeh Kirk, Maddy Yasch, Miranda Smith, Chloe Stracher, Hayden Cline, Audrey Franks, Ari Borton and Lizzy Howman all attended.
During the second session, two members were proficiency finalists: Ari Borton finished first in agricultural processing and will now compete at the national level in October. Lizzy Howman placed third in dairy production-entrepreneurship. During the fourth session, Ava Stoller was awarded a gold rating on her secretary’s book, Zoey Dudte was awarded a gold rating on her treasurer’s book, and Hanna Wilson was awarded a gold rating on her reporter’s book. Five chapter members received their State FFA degrees: Hanna Wilson, Melanie Imhoff, Ava Stoller, Zoey Dudte and Audrey Franks.
The Northwestern-Wayne FFA chapter was able to give out numerous awards and scholarships, recognize Career Development Event teams and star members, and show the community how hard members have worked at its annual banquet. Proficiency awards were given in the areas of beef production, community service, dairy placement, dairy production, diversified livestock, job placement, goat production, sheep production, swine production, ag processing placement, equine entrepreneurship and notebook award.
Winners included the following: Rylee Dawson, Star Beef Production award; Hanna Wilson, Community Service Award with Jadeyn Berry as runner up; Lizzy Howman and Kirsten Boreman, recognized for their effort in Dairy Production; Rylee Dawson and Jadeyn Berry, Dairy Placement award winners; Riley Stull, Diversified Livestock award; Jadeyn Berry, Job Placement award; Kaleb Badger, Goat Production award; Kade Tegtmeier, Sheep Production award; Kaleb Badger and Zoey Dudte, Swine Production awards; Ari Borton, Ag Processing Placement award; and Taylor Wurst, Equine Entrepreneurship award.
The last award was the Star Notebook award, given to members who have an organized classroom binder in their agriculture classes. The four recipients were Zoey Dudte, Ag Business Class; Hanna Wilson, Animal Science class; and Emma and Addy Connelly for the AFNR class.
The chapter also recognized Star members from each year of FFA year, Kate Johnson, Makenna Connelly, Emma Connelly and Addy Connelly were chosen as our Star Greenhands. Kade Tegtmeier and Kirsten Boreman were star sophomores; Hanna Wilson and Melanie Imhoff were star juniors; and Jadeyn Berry, Rylee Dawson and Zoey Dudte were chosen as the Star Dekalb members.
When becoming an FFA member, you are making yourself available for many different scholarships. This year there were a total of four scholarships: Rylee Dawson and Dugan McLaughlin were chosen for The Rebecca Stull Memorial Scholarship; Dugan McLaughlin was chosen for the scholarship awarded by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keener and Commodity Blenders; and Jadeyn Berry was awarded the Northwestern FFA Scholarship Award. Congratulations to all members. Members who were outstanding in the areas of leadership included Zoey Dudte, Rylee Dawson, Dugan McLaughlin and Jadeyn Berry.
To close, the 2022-2023 officer team was announced: Hanna Wilson, president; Kirsten Boreman, vice president; Taylor Wurst, reporter; Mallory Gilbert, secretary; Kade Tegtmeier, treasurer; Jacoby Gilbert, sentinel; and Kaleb Badger as student adviser. Emma Connelly, Addy Connelly, Makenna Connelly, Kate Johnson, Ava Stoller and Chet McNeil will all serve as assistant officers.