Roundup of FFA news for Jan. 23, 2020

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SULLIVAN, Ohio — The Black River FFA participated in the Novice State Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event at Ohio State University Dec. 14. This junior team included Cassandra Stroud, parliamentary president; Zoey Bungard, vice president; Karissa Long, secretary; Katie Segar, treasurer; Breann Czarny, sentinel; Jeffery Czarnty, reporter; Jacob Mennell, student adviser; and Kennadi Fusco, member. The novice team placed fourth.

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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — Members of the Zane Trace FFA chapter traveled to Mad River Mountain Jan. 9 to attend the State Officer Leadership day. The 25 members, along with more than 200 other students from all over the state, began the conference with a workshop that showcased different ways students can be leaders. Following the workshop, students were able to hit the slopes for an afternoon of skiing, snowboarding and snowtubing.

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HANOVERTON, Ohio — The United FFA chapter had its monthly meeting Jan. 13 with 22 members and one guest in attendance. President Lauren Hippely called the meeting to order and officer reports from the reporter, secretary and treasurer were given and accepted. A motion was made and passed for the chapter to donate $250 to the Christian Rural Overseas Program, whose primary mission is to help midwest farm families share their grain with hungry neighbors in post-World War II Europe and Asia. Another motion was made to donate $250 to Akron Children’s Hospital, which passed as well. The final main motion made was for the chapter to give out two $500 scholarships to this year’s graduating seniors.

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