Roundup of 4-H news for Aug. 29, 2019


CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Junior Fair Board met Aug. 15 at the Canfield Fairgrounds.

Earlier in the month, members traveled to radio station K-105.1 to promote the Junior Fair Board and the Canfield Junior Fair. Several members presented a similar program for the Canfield and Austintown Kiwanis Club at Ala Cart Catering.

During the meeting, the members discussed final plans for the fair. The members have their work schedules completed and have job assignments for the fair.

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NEW MIDDLETOWN — On Aug. 13, Country Kids and Kritters 4-H Club made over two dozen fleece tie blankets for Mahoning County Children Services.

The 4-H’ers decided on making blankets for Children Services so each child could feel warm and safe, especially while moving from place to place. The fleece was purchased with club funds from fundraising sales.

Country Kids And Kritters worked with Mahoning County Children Services this year as community service. In March, the club made about 100 Easter baskets and held a school supply drive in July and August.

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