Roundup of FFA news for Aug. 23, 2018

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LORAIN, Ohio — Along with thousands of FFA members from across the country, six Lorain County JVS students from the Landscape and Greenhouse Management and Industrial Equipment Mechanics programs, attended the Washington Leadership Conference in Washington DC in July.

The students who participated are Sydney Collier, senior from Clearview; William Keller, senior from Midview; Thomas Keller, senior from Midview; Aidan Marang, senior from Keystone; Michael McDonald, senior from Keystone; and Savannah Roby, senior from Wellington.

During the Leadership Conference, students got an opportunity to attend workshops and seminars focusing on identifying and developing their personal strengths and goals while undergoing comprehensive leadership training.

The capstone of the event is a civic engagement activity where participants apply what they have learned in a hands-on activity. JVS students gave back at the Meals of Hope organization where they had the opportunity to pack food for people in need.

The students also experienced the history of the nation’s capital and toured landmarks including the Washington Monument, Arlington National Cemetery, and the U.S. Capitol.


WELLINGTON, Ohio — Firelands FFA graduates enjoyed a night of success on July 31 at the Lorain County 4: H and FFA Scholarship Night. Ten members earned about $10,000 to pursue their college goals.

The members and their awards include: Lorain County Fair Directors Scholarship: Megan Brandich, Emily Holcomb, Sam Ives;

4-H Endowment: Emily Pohorence, Sam Ives, Morgan Nance, Cheyanne Zenda;

John W. Hostetler Scholarship: Megan Brandich, Claire Vilagi;

Lorain County Junior Leader’s Scholarship: Sam Ives, Morgan Nance;

Lorain County Junior Fair Board Scholarship: Sam Ives, Morgan Nance;

Louise McConnell Memorial Scholarship: Cheyanne Zenda;

Carl J Diedrick Memorial Scholarship: Grace Pohorence;

Fox Family Perpetual Scholarship: Brandon Palmer;

Mike & Marie Yarosh Scholarship: Grace Pohorence;

Wellington Implement Scholarship: Emily Holcomb;

Mary C Hoertz Scholarship: Sam Ives;

Dorrell Pitts Memorial: Katie Fath

James & Roena McConnell Scholarship: Brandon Palmer;

Fred H & Dorothy A Smith Scholarship: Sam Ives;

Kevin N Younglas Scholarship: Katie Fath.

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