Roundup of 4-H news for Nov. 26, 2020


MANSFIELD, Ohio — The Richland County 4-H program held its annual 4-H Honor Program Nov. 8 via Zoom. Recognition was given to 4-H members, adult volunteers and friends of the Richland County 4-H program. The top 4-H member honors were given to Member-of-the-Year recipients, Emily Dittman, of Shelby, and Candace Kissinger, Thalia Kurtzman and Connor Ladd, all of Mansfield.

The Outstanding Service to 4-H Awards were presented to Sue Cook, and Carrie Kurtzman, both of Mansfield, and Trudi Tilton, of Bellville.

Meritorious Service to 4-H awards were presented to Gary Blum, senior fair board president, and Jeff and Melanie Barbe, long-time supporters of the 4-H program.

Four teen leaders were recognized with the Outstanding Junior Leader Award. Honorees included Alexa Fulk, of Bellville, Cadence Fairchild and Sierra Schaffer, of Shelby, and Thalia Kurtzman. Schaffer and Fulk were also recognized with the Junior Leader Merit Award.

The Silver Banner club award went to Next Generation 4-H, of Mansfield/Crestview. The Bronze Banner club award went to the Ring Raiders 4-H, of Shelby. Honorable Mention recognition went to Wild-n-Free 4-H, of Mansfield, and Blue-Gold 4-H, of Ontario/Mansfield.

The Richland County 4-H Committee presented membership pins to youth with 10 or more years of membership.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga County Beef and Swine 4-H club had its first meeting of the 2020-2021 year Nov. 8 to start preparing for the 2021 fair. The club elected new board members, assigned committees, handed out folders and assigned project topics.

The club discussed internet safety, its health and safety topic, and different forms of energy, its energy topic.

The new board of officers includes Taylor Poff, president, Kendall Pikor, vice president, Tatumn Poff, secretary, Austin Wetzel, treasurer, and Kaiden Wolcott, news reporter.

Club members also discussed the importance of weighing feed, getting show calves started and picking out show pigs, and planned the next meeting for Feb. 7.

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