MANSFIELD, Ohio — The Richland County 4-H program held its annual 4-H Honor Program Nov. 14. Recognition was given to 4-H members, adult volunteers and friends of the Richland County 4-H program.
The top 4-H member honors were given to Member-of-the-Year recipients: Sarah Smith (Shelby), Deborah Crouch (Mansfield), Ross Kuhn (Mansfield) and Colton Boyer (Lucas).
The Outstanding Service to 4-H Awards, given to 4-H advisors on the basis of excellence in 4-H volunteer leadership on the club or county level, were presented to: Jeff Secriskey, Jessica Steele and Janice Secriskey (all of Mansfield).
Meritorious Service to 4-H awards, given to special friends of the 4-H program, were presented to: Richland County Senior Fair Board and the Ohio State Highway Patrol, Mansfield Post.
Four teen leaders were recognized with the Outstanding Junior Leader Award for outstanding leadership and service to the county 4-H program. Honorees included: Alexa Fulk (Bellville), Cadence Fairchild (Shelby), Ross Kuhn (Mansfield) and Madison Parks (Shelby). Fairchild and Fulk were recognized with the Junior Leader Merit Award as the top teen leaders in the county for exceptional leadership and service.
The Camp Counselor Recreational Leadership Award went to Marissa Circosta, Alexis Eldridge, Alexa Fulk, Ross Kuhn, Connor Ladd and Sierra Schaffer.
4-H members receiving recognition for outstanding officer books/scrapbooks included:
President GOLD: Julia Auck, Wild-n-Free 4-H
Vice-President GOLD: Ashton Crider, Ring Raiders 4-H
Treasurer: GOLD: Hailey Eldridge, Ring Raiders 4-H
Secretary GOLD: Lily Cline, Next Generation 4-H
Health and safety first place: Katie Crider, Ring Raiders 4-H
Recreation leader first place: Leah Adkins, Ava Harrison and Aleigha Hissong, Ring Raiders, 4-H
News Reporter GOLD: Kaley Bowman, Blue-Gold 4-H
All 4-H clubs have the opportunity to attain the gold, silver banner or bronze award distinction. The Silver Banner club award was given to the Richland Round-Up and Ring Raiders (both of Shelby) 4-H Clubs. The Bronze Banner Club Award was presented to the Next Generation (Mansfield/Ashland) and New Edition (Shelby/Plymouth) 4-H Clubs.
Forty-three youth were honored as recipients of the county’s 59 county medal awards. These awards are given for outstanding project or activity achievement.
4-H members in attendance were given recognition for completion of their 4-H project year. The Richland County 4-H Committee presented membership pins to youth with 10 or more years of membership.
Adult volunteers were recognized for their years of service to the 4-H program. Special awards were given to advisors with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 or more years of service.
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CANFIELD, Ohio — Mahoning County 4-H recognized state fair non-livestock project award recipients in an awards ceremony at the county extension office Nov. 15. The 2021 Ohio State Fair was open for participants only.
This year there was no awards assembly to attend, which meant non-livestock project participants went to the fair to have their project judged and then returned home after judging and waited until the following day to check the state online website to see if they had won an award but had to wait to actually receive their award.
In late fall, the awards were given to each County 4-H Professional to hand out to the recipients within their own county.
Listed are the 4-H members with their award and project. The clock trophy is the highest award given at state fair to the most knowledgeable youth in the project area; outstanding of the day and honorable mention are given only to the top 20% of the most knowledgeable participants in each project area.
Clock trophy, leaping forward, cat level 3: Kaleigh Williams
Clock trophy, cavies, junior: Jemma Lippert
Clock trophy, cavies, senior: Sarah DeLucia
Outstanding of the day, you and your dog (ages 8-10): Elyse Terreri
Honorable mention, you and your dog (ages 11-13): Peyton Burnfield
Outstanding of the day, clothing and textiles projects shopping savvy, senior: Emily Fagert
Clock trophy, quilting the best better: Kaleigh Williams
Clock trophy, 4-H around the globe: Andrei Pagnotta
Outstanding of the day, everyday food and fitness, Junior: Caitlin Blankenship
Outstanding of the day, snack attack, junior: Stella Zippay
Outstanding of the day, you’re the chef: Emily Fagert
Outstanding of the day, laundry project: Stella Zippay
Clock trophy, alcohol and drug abuse: Emily Fagert
Outstanding of the day, your thoughts matter; navigating mental health: Sarah DeLucia
Clock trophy, one-on-one 4-H mentorship: Sarah DeLucia
Clock trophy, outdoor adventurer: beginning fishing: Allen Bettross
Outstanding of the day, geology: can you dig it?: Aidan Stoudt
Outstanding of the day, self-determined natural resources: bats: Samantha Smit
Clock trophy, science fun with dairy foods: Douglas Stoudt
Clock trophy, rockets away, bottle rockets: Ethan Knauf
Outstanding of the day, all systems go, vet level 2: Grace Burchfield
Outstanding of the day, science fun with kitchen chemistry: Caitlin Blankenship
Clock trophy, shooting sports projects archery senior: Cayden Jones
Outstanding of the day, safe use of guns: Stella Zippay