Roundup of 4-H news for March 18, 2021


BELOIT, Ohio — Next Generation 4-H Club met March 7 to elect officers. Leading the club for 2021 are Alex Courtney, president; Larissa Fano, vice president; and Stella Zippay, secretary and treasurer.

Members received their pins and certificates for completing the 2020 project year, signed the club constitution and bylaws and completed enrollment and project selection. The club started its annual garden vegetable plant fundraiser. Cloverbud members worked on activities to learn the 4-H Pledge.

The next meeting is April 11.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — Growing Traditions 4-H Club met on March 7 for its regular monthly meeting. Members learned how to give IM and SQ injections in an injections lab, elected club officers for 2021 and reviewed their projects for the year.

Cloverbuds learned about caring for animals and made handprint animals on canvas. Members will learn about teamwork and recycling at the next meeting, April 11. New members are welcome.

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