Roundup of 4-H news for March 12, 2020


DAMASCUS, Ohio — The Next Generation 4-H club met Feb. 9 to elect officers. Leading the club in 2020 will be Alex Courtney, president; Heath Criss, vice president; and Stella Zippay, secretary. Members and Cloverbuds made Valentines and delivered them to residents at Auburn Skilled Nursing in Damascus, Copeland Oaks in Sebring, Ohio, and Windsor House in Canfield, Ohio, as a community service project.

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BELOIT, Ohio — The Capriculturists 4-H club held a business meeting Feb. 24 at the Canfield Fairgrounds, where they discussed the upcoming events for goats this year at the 2020 Canfield Fair.

Ava Timko gave a health report on the dangers of smoking. Emma Timko and Alexa Myers gave a demonstration on horse coat care. Carson Myers and Colton Weingart worked together to present a safety report on working with cattle. Emily Conrad discussed what minerals to provide for your goats.

Following the presentations, the club played a game of “goat bingo” to get to know the members. The meeting continued with an election of officers. The club elected president, Jacob Corll; vice president, Amber Corll; secretary, Ashley James; treasurer, Sarah Kelly; news reporter/assistant secretary, Conrad; and news reporter, Callia Barwick.