Roundup of 4-H news for June 28, 2018

Westmoreland Equestrian Team
The winning team in the Penn State 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge was the Westmoreland Equestrian Team. Each member of the team received a $1,000 scholarship. Pictured left to right are members Elizabeth Brassart, Livy Jumper, and Abigail Payha, who joined Richard Roush (far left), dean of Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, and Joshua Rice (far right), assistant program director for Penn State Extension's 4-H and Youth Development Program. (Submitted photo)

CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio — The Granny’s Kids 4-H club met June 10 in Chagrin Falls, at Lynn Kitko’s house. The meeting was mostly about rabbits, with a special speaker on how to win with rabbit projects.

In the business part of the meeting, members were reminded to make appointments for their miscellaneous project judging with the main office and discussed making no-sew blankets for veterans and cleaning up yards as service projects.

Lina Ferg demonstrated how to clip toenails on guinea pigs and rabbits and Ben Ferg led a rabbit trivia game.

Members were encouraged to enter the photography and safety poster contests for the Geauga Fair, due Aug. 1. Bobby Williams gave an illustrated talk on safety tips for good gardening.

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ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Country Barbwires 4-H club met June 18 at 7 p.m. at the Beechwood United Methodist Church. There were 53 members and two guests present.

There was a safety report about wearing proper equipment when driving tractors.

The club discussed the Memorial Day parade they participated in, describing it as a success. Their community service project for July will be collecting hygiene supplies.

Shawn Grubb, 4-H member was recognized for leaving for the U.S. Marines.

The next meeting will be July 16 at 7 p.m. at the Beechwood United Methodist Church.

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COLUMBUS — Ohio youth were recently recognized with Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards for their efforts.

Award winners:

  • Adams County: Spencer Bauman, OTA local government
  • Brown County: Laura Wood, family life and child development
  • Butler County: Katelyn Summe, National 4-H Dairy Conference
  • Champaign County, Megan Snyder, rabbits
  • Clinton County: Andrew Houseman, woodworking
  • Delaware County: Erin Barr, OTA local government; Kendall Sestili, veterinary science
  • Darke County: Molly Hunt, personal development
  • Fairfield County: Hannah Schmelzer, clothing and textiles; Derek Burns, dairy; Sarah Doner, dairy goat; Jeffrey King, swine
  • Franklin County: Lauren Hitt, companion animals; Lindsey Bair, environmental science; Noor Alshafie, state junior fair board
  • Greene County: Ashley Howard, National 4-H Dairy Conference
  • Hancock County: Karis Wilson, food and nutrition
  • Jackson County: Haley Frazier, beef
  • Licking County: Sarah Decker, health and safety; Sean McCutcheon, sheep
  • Mahoning County: Samantha Colonna, photography
  • Medina County: Julia Syme, shooting sports; Sveta Post, gardening and horticulture; Cecilia Mainzer, leadership projects
  • Muskingum County: Rachel Hampp, poultry
  • Ross County: James Shuman, mechanical and engineering science
  • Scioto County: Emma Lauder, citizenship and community service
  • Tuscarawas County: Maggie Miller, meat goat
  • Union County: Blake Kessler, horse
  • Washington County: Caroline Stollar, CARTEENS

The winners will attend the National 4-H Congress in Atlanta this fall with youth from all over the country.

The Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards are hosted annually by the Ohio 4-H Foundation at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus.

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STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Westmoreland County 4-H teens were named the winners of the first Pennsylvania 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge, after competing amongst nearly 90 4-H youth from throughout the commonwealth, in grades six through twelve, at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center in State College June 7-9.

The first-place overall team from Westmoreland County, the Westmoreland Equestrian Team, was comprised of Leah Androstric Elizabeth Brassart, Livy Jumper and Abigail Payha.

Their presentation, called Medical Information Carrier, was under the American Farm Bureau Agricultural Literacy pillar of the Relationship between Agriculture and Lifestyle. Each member of the team received a $1,000 scholarship to be used for further education and training beyond high school.

The second place overall team, from Clarion County, The Marketing Team, competed with their presentation called Saving Small Farms One Bean at a Time.

Their presentation was under the American Farm Bureau Agricultural Literacy pillar of the Relationship between Agriculture and the Economy. The team was made up of Sam Anderson, Briar Kentzel and Emilee Klingler.

Each member of the team received a $750 scholarship to be used for further education and training beyond high school.

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BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Prime Time 4-H club met June 19. The club washed Hoar Construction trucks June 16 and were given a donation from Hoar Construction and then the price was matched by Carter Lumber in Middlefield.

The ordering of shirts for the club was discussed and the adviser will register for fair classes.

This year’s fair theme is “Working together to make the best better with junior fair.” Barn decorations will be discussed at the next meeting.

Jeanne then told the club they need to start to write buyer’s letters. The sale will be Sept. 1 at 2:30 p.m. for small animals in the sale tent, and the large animal sale will start at 5 p.m. in the arena.

Members of the club brought nonperishable food items for the local food pantries in Geauga County.

The next meeting to be held July 19 at 7 p.m. at the junior fair pavilion.

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