BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Dairymen had a meeting May 23, at Hastings Dairy. Members discussed project judging, which will be online this year July 1-17. Members also voted to buy club T-shirts and will bring suggestions for designs to the next meeting.
Members also discussed getting ready for project animals to arrive. Everyone should get supplies out and stock up on all things they need. Advisers helped members learn topics for project judging and worked through skillathon kit topics. The club also made tie blankets to donate to Geauga County veterans.
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HANOVERTON, Ohio — The Hicks & Hayseeds 4-H club met June 15 at adviser Judy Brown’s house. The club voted on the theme of the fair booth, which will be on display at the fair. Plans were made for the next “cooking for the homeless” meal to be prepared next month.
There were several demonstrations given to the club. First was Logan Casto, who showed ways to bait a hook. Next was Hayden Casto, who instructed how to administer iron medicine shots to newborn pigs, followed by Sid Casto, with a demonstration to the group on how to make a banana smoothie.
Then, Ava Wood demonstrated how to make a duct tape purse. Finally, Logan Wood discussed four-wheeler ATV maintenance.