Roundup of 4-H news for June 16, 2022


AUBURN, Ohio — Granny’s Kids 4-H Club had a monthly meeting June 5. One member gave a report on turkeys, explaining that turkeys have between 5,000 and 6,000 feathers, can’t reproduce naturally, and only lay one to two eggs a week. There was a word search and a lecture on parasites, as well as a discussion on the chocolate shortage impacting their candy bar fund raiser. Members were reminded that fair registration begins July 16, and catalogs are available at the fair office. There is one more rabbit clinic at Munson Park on Bass Lake, July 23. 

For more information on the Geauga County Fair, see The next meeting will be June 26 at 7 p.m.

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BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — At the June meeting, Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club members signed up to ride the club float in the Canfield Fourth of July Parade. The Canfield Fair T-shirt contest rules were read by vice president Gia Welsh, who also gave judging times for the fair. Safety Leader Allen Bettross discussed the dangers of ticks and health leader Carissa Byler shared interesting facts about ice cream and showed the two pillows she made. Advisor Robin Reph encouraged members to join the Mahoning County Food and Fashion Board and adviser Kathleen Moser shared information about exhibiting at the Canfield Fair in the floral and arts and crafts departments. 

The club will meet again July 7 at 7 p.m. at the Ellsworth Fire Hall.

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FREEPORT, Ohio — The Londonderry Lads and Lassies 4-H club met June 8 at the Londonderry Masonic Lodge. Club members got their hands dirty while planting flowers in the flower bed. A health report was given by Lexi Fehr on healthy foods you should be eating, and club members were reminded about several important things: pig tags are on back order; still project judging is July 7 at Cambridge High School, and details are coming on the Skillathon July 14. 4-H Takes a Stand posters this year will be themed on 100 years of 4-H. 

The first 200 participants turning in a poster will be given a free shirt. Max Hoop gave a demonstration on how to give a pig a vaccine, and Blake Hoop demonstrated how to give a pig a bath. 

The next meeting will be June 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Antrim Firehouse. Club members will be making bird feeders and enjoying an ice cream bar.

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