CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Junior Fair Board meeting was held at the Canfield Fairgrounds Feb. 21.
The members broke into groups to do team bonding activities, then members reported on ideas they gleaned from the Ohio Fair Managers Conference.
Adviser Jessica Ricker showed a variety of past junior fair board shirts as well as several other sweatshirts and T-shirts the members could order. The fun shirt designs will be discussed at future meetings.
President Karlee Banks and Junior Fair Manager Kim Moff raised fundraiser options for this coming year. Moff also went over the member responsibilities and behavior listed in the organization’s charter.
The leaders of the various committees then introduced themselves to the new members and described their committee’s responsibilities.
The committees are Public Relations, Special Features, the Saturday Night Dance, Battle of the Barns, Talent Show, Ice Cream Social and Youth Day Activities.
The events that are coming up include: Dairy Palooza set up at Canfield Fairgrounds, April 26; Dairy Palooza event, April 27; and market livestock tagging, 8 a.m., May 11, Dairy Complex.
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CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Goat Herders 4-H club met Feb. 16 at the home of adviser Arlinda Greenfield.
Members received information about meeting dates and enrollment.
The club’s community service and fundraising project this year is selling lotion to raise money to give a goat or two to a family in a developing country.
In the election of officers, Christopher Greenfield was elected president; Noah Johnson, vice president; Kaylee Burcaw, secretary; Trevor Greenfield, news reporter; Kaylea Pinkerton, devotions officer; and Mitchell Hofmann, refreshments officer.
The club’s next meeting is March 16, 1 p.m., at the Hofmann home.