HANOVERTON, Ohio — The Hicks-N-Hayseeds 4-H group held there first meeting of the 2016-2017 4-H year Nov. 1. At this meeting new club officers where nominated and voted in.
The officers for the 2016-2017 4-H year will be president Brynn Hofmeister, vice president Nathan Miller, secretary Isaac Hake, treasurer Brooke Hofmeister, news reporter Logan Casto and recreation leaders are Trent Ellyson, Emma VonFeldt and Hunter Casto.
These offices will be held until November 2017.
The club decided to prepare holiday meals for a homeless shelter. Also discussed was ordering new club T-shirts.
The club will host a Christmas party at Sky Max in Canton, the date of the party will be tabled until further information can be made available.
The Hicks-N-Hayseeds will once again be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house.