Roundup of 4-H news for Aug. 23, 2018

sheep showmanship

ELYRIA, Ohio — In late July, three Four Leaf Clovers 4-H members showed projects at the Ohio State Fair. Addison Beal competed in the equine communications contest with her poster about horse safety. Addison is a fifth-grader at Firelands Elementary. Callie Finnegan qualified and showed her miniature horse. She placed ninth in showmanship and was reserve champion in trail.

She competed in ground roping. Callie won first place in Ohio in the eight- and nine-year-old horse skillathon.

Callie also competed in horse communications contest. She is a fifth-grader at Firelands Elementary. Allison Tuggle showed sheep at the state fair. She participated in showmanship.

Allison earned fourth place with her yearling ewe in her type class. Allison is a seventh-grader at South Amherst Middle School.

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