Roundup of 4-H news for April 18, 2019


BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — At their April meeting, members of Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club filled 1,067 eggs for the Community Easter Egg Hunt. Members also signed up to help with the egg hunt April 19.

President William Reph was recognized for being elected vice president of the Mahoning County Junior Fair Board.

Health Leader Autumn Reed shared facts about the recent measles outbreak in New York State. She also emphasized the necessity of being vaccinated for this disease.

Junior Camp Counselors Natalia Kresic, Emma Reph, Olivia Reph and William Reph shared that this year’s camp theme will be “Paradise.”

On April 23, members with clothing projects will cut their projects out at the home of adviser Kathleen Moser. On April 24 the quilting group will meet at adviser Robin Reph’s home for their second workshop.

The Small and Exotic Animal Fun Show will be held at the Canfield Fair Junior Fair Complex May 18. The show is open to Cloverbuds and 4-H members.

The club will meet again May 9 at the Ellsworth Fire Hall at 7 p.m.

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