Roundup of 4-H news for April 14, 2022


BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H club met at the fairgrounds April 3. The meeting’s safety topics were about smoke alarms and a hands on biosecurity presentation. 

Members discussed the important of biosecurity on your own property as well as when you enter other farms. This is very important with members going out to look for their new pig, lamb and goat projects. Members presented projects about pig skin care, writing buyers letters and how to market livestock projects. 

Members will be getting their turkey and hog projects later this month. The fair theme is “Stitching Together 200 Years of Memories With Junior Fair.” The fair will begin Aug. 31. The club is going to participate in the annual 4-H candy bar sale. The club will meet again May 15 at 4 p.m.

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STRASBURG, Ohio — The Happy Harvesters 4-H club had its first official meeting at the First Lutheran Church of Strasburg March 20. It was also election night.

Club members discussed quality assurance seminars, the Camp Piedmont Benefit March 26, including baskets the club contributed, events and volunteer opportunities, and the 2022 snack schedule. Members also heard more about upcoming events like the Cloverbud Easter egg hunt April 9 and the next club meeting April 10. The club’s third annual online auction fundraiser was moved to June.

The club’s new officers are Jacob Wisselgren, president, Wyema Porter, vice president, Zoey Minard, secretary, Haley Wisselgren, treasurer, and Peyton Vickers, news reporter.

The new officers attending the annual officer and leadership training led by the advisers March 29, at the Cross Caffe in Strasburg. There were lessons, games, discussion of officer duties and brainstorming for the coming year.

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BURTON, Ohio — Sew Sew Sweet 4-H club met on April 10. The club discussed fundraisers, future meetings and the fair. 

Fundraisers for this year will include Wreathes across America and selling candy bars at Tractor Supply in Middlefield, and a possible car wash. With the money from the fundraisers, club members will make veterans no sew blankets, which are handed out at the Geauga County fair. The club will also be making plush toys and fabric chalkboards for the kids’ summer meal giveaway. 

Project judging for sewing projects, will be on July 19. The club approved the constitution and bylaws without any changes. Members will meet again in May for the next business meeting.

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FREEPORT, Ohio — Londonderry Lads and Lassies 4-H club enjoyed a spaghetti dinner on April 5. Club members picked numbers off of the menu to receive their unknown menu course. 

The health report was given by Lexi Fehr on how to stretch for sports. The safety report was given by Owen Ripley on bike safety. In other business, club members were informed about the upcoming pepperoni sale. Pepperoni rolls are only being sold by the case. Club members were also told about the details of the SOPHA sale. 

There will be a 100 years of 4-H t-shirt contest, entries are due to the extension office by 4:30 p.m. on April 1. 

Lastly, Quention Weaver gave a demonstration on how to show a cow at the fair. The next meeting will be April 27, 7 p.m., at the Antrim Firehouse. Club members will sign up for donations needed for the upcoming SOPHA sale concession stand.

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