A roundup of FFA news for the week of Sept. 18, 2014


MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The National FFA Organization has announced that three members of the West Holmes FFA Chapter will receive their American degree in November.

Graduates Elizabeth Overholt, Matt Schlegel, and Gretchen Straits started the application process in January and have been approved to receive their degrees by the district, state, and national levels. The trio will be presented with their American degrees Nov. 1 at the national convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

In order to be eligible for the FFA American degree, a member must have their Greenhand FFA degree, Chapter FFA degree, and State FFA degree, have been an FFA member for at least three years, have three years of agriculture classes, graduated from high school one year prior to the national FFA convention, maintained detailed record books, and have earned and productively invested at least 7,500 or have earned and productively invested at least 1,500 and worked 2,250 hours beyond school hours in their SAE projects.

Elizabeth Overholt raised sheep, worked at RNR Swiss and Royal Livestock.

Matt Schlegel worked at Schlegel Farms and for the Ohio State University athletic field crew.

Gretchen Straits raised hogs and beef cattle and worked at Straits Cattle Farms and Paint Valley Farms.

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