Reader: Voting in 2024 election is pivotal


Dear Editor:

There has never been a time like this in our American history. That our food prices haven’t been lower or relatively the same during a presidential election. Is this election year a fluke? Or is this flashing red lights?

Warning: affordable food is not available! Our rich politicians and bureaucrats invited, encouraged or paid for (with our tax money) 60 to 80 million illegals to enter our country. Why? What has this policy done to the United States?

Higher prices on everything! Less affordable food for every family! Over the years, we’ve allow politicians and special interest groups wearing thousands of dollars in clothing and jewelry to our tell hard working, dedicated farmers and ranchers how to farm and ranch. They have no knowledge or understanding of what it takes to produce our food and don’t care. Yet they write and enforce policies that effect all of us.

They can’t tell the difference between an Ayrshire and a Berkshire. They allow dangerous, deadly food from foreign countries into our food markets. These foods DO NOT meet the minimum standards, testing, quality and pureness that is required of our American producers. Why are they permitted to import food? Why are they not required to meet the same standards?

Our farmers and ranchers are in financial danger with the prices they are forced to pay for fuel, fertilizer, electric, labor, repairs, equipment, interest rates and more. These are all paid at retail price. While the price they receive for their hard earned production of food is always at wholesale price. Wholesale pricing is set by the Walmart’s of this world. No negotiating! Take it! Or leave it! Sink! Or swim!

Farmers and ranchers have no say in what they financially receive on their products. Pennies separate the difference between profit and loss! In the last few years, thousands of farmers and ranchers have financially starved out. We can’t afford to lose one more! No matter what some slick politician or obnoxious talking head says. This election is about food for you and your family!

Before you vote. For clarity and understanding, please join me in a three-day fast. Every morning and every evening, with your Bible in your right hand and your wallet in your left. (The Bible is the peace you’re seeking and your wallet is a very short temporary solution to your problems). Please pray for knowledge and wisdom. Pray for yourself and your family. Pray for our farmers and ranchers. And pray for our country and the world. Please save and share this with the world, again and again. All our politicians and the super rich, need to know. We don’t want to eat cats, dogs, rats, aborted babies or become cannibals! We don’t want to beg, steal or murder. But our families come first! Protect your family and our country. VOTE!

Proverbs 3: 1-10

Tom Wise
Mount Vernon, Ohio

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