Reader shares thoughts on global warming


Dear Editor:

In the year of 1900, bulldozers were first being used. Since that time a billion ponds have been built, and every farm has at least one pond holding back water from getting to the ocean. Also there has been billions of septic tanks. Every house has one and each holds 1,000 gallons of water. Bottles of water, pop, beer, canned goods on the shelves … this much water did not get back to the ocean. 

If God didn’t keep the saline right in the ocean, everything would die in it. When God created this Earth, He put the ice in the North so it could be melted at this time for more fresh water. I think God is causing global warming.

It has been said the islands will disappear, but water will find its own level. If you watch Wheel of Fortune and one wins a trip, they show a picture of the islands. They are beautiful — no high rise there.

It is time to open the coal mines to make electric and drilling for oil. Pray God will keep melting the ice. Lake Powell and another lake have only 24% of water left. Farms use this water for irrigation, and cities for their use. Pray God will keep melting the ice so the ocean will give us our largest food supply around the world.

Levi Thornberry
Vincent, Ohio

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