Quality-Quest Holsteins top fall sale


WOOSTER, Ohio — Quality-Quest Gib Breeze displayed her show winning style as she paraded the sale ring at the Ohio Holstein Association Fall Quality Sale held Nov. 1 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster.

When the gavel fell at $6,000, Kurt Wyler, Fresno, Ohio, became her new owner.

Numerous ribbons

A daughter of Silky Gibson, she had won numerous purple and blue ribbons, including Supreme Champion Mahoning County (Canfield) Fair Junior Show and Reserve Intermediate Champion Mahoning County (Canfield) Open Show.

Not only was she classified Very Good 86, she had already completed a record at 2-02 2x 365d 28065 4.7 percent 1326 3.0 percent 849.

Confirmed pregnant to Lylehaven Lightning, she was consigned by Ohio Holstein Association junior member Jonathan Dye, Beloit, Ohio.

Second highest

Doughty-Valley Damion Nancy was the second highest seller at $5,500.

Consigned by Doughty-Valley Holsteins LLC, Millersburg, Ohio, this two-year-old daughter of Erbacres Damion was classified Good Plus 82, milking 94 pounds per day and rebred to England-Ammon Million.

Her dam, a daughter of Sandy-Valley Forbidden had 30700 milk and 1223 fat. She was also purchased by Wyler.


Only three calves were consigned to the sale, and the highest seller was Hartline BP Turquoise-ET consigned by Hartline Valley Farms, Marietta, Ohio.

Sired by Windy-Knoll-View Pronto, her dam Hartline Titanic Toni, was scored Very Good 87 with a record of 2-01 2x 365d 29380 3.9 percent 1157 3.2 percent 930, and sired by Hartline Titanic.

The granddam was an Excellent daughter of Comestar Outside, with records to 30380.

Third dam was Eastview Blak S Mattie G-ET, classified Excellent 94 4E and with records to 43300. She sold for $4,000 to Sam Nisly, Hartselle. Ala.

Second high selling calf at $3,000 was Rose-Vue Advent Evonne-Red consigned by Nelson Dairy, Urbana, Ohio.

Sired by KHW Advent-Red, her dam, Bar-B-Hills Edee-Red sired by Stelbro Design, was scored Good Plus 83 and had a record at 2-06 2x 365d 21500 5.1 percent 1107 3.5 percent 763.

Next dam was sired by Pequest-Valley Genuine-Red, classified Very Good 88 with the Holstein Association, and Excellent 91 with the Red and White Dairy Cattle Association, and had records to 1170 fat.

She was purchased by Michael Crawford, Dover, Ohio.

Sale total average

The sale total average on 52 live lots was $2,685.58. Four embryo lots averaged $2168.75.

Consignments sold not only to Ohio breeders, but also to breeders from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Alabama and Michigan.