Public hearing set for proposed Franklin County solar farm

solar panels

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Power Siting Board will hold a public hearing regarding Pleasant Prairie Solar Energy LLC’s proposal to build a 250 megawatt solar farm on about 1,700 acres in Pleasant and Prairie townships in Franklin County.

The hearing is set for 6 p.m. July 19. It will be conducted online, but people can also join by phone.

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow residents in the local community, who are not parties to the case, to provide testimony about the project. Testimony will be limited to five minutes per witness, and the hearing transcript will become part of the case record considered by the Ohio Power Siting Board.

Individuals who wish to provide testimony must register by 12 p.m., on July 16, by completing the online registration form at or by calling 800-686-7826.

On the day of the public hearing, all individuals who have registered to testify should be prepared to speak beginning at 6 p.m.

Individuals who wish to attend the hearing by telephone and not offer testimony may do so by dialing 408-418‑9388 at any time during the hearing and entering access code 173 860 5562. The hearing will also be live streamed at

This project is one of 25 utility-scale solar projects pending approval or in the pre-application. So far, 12 projects have been approved and one is complete. 

Additional information regarding the proposed solar farm is available on the OPSB website at in case number 20-1679-EL-BGN

Other upcoming public hearings:

Public hearings set for solar projects in Defiance, Union counties: Defiance – May 25, Union June 3

OPSB sets public hearing on Champaign County solar project: Champaign – June 8

Public hearings set for solar farms in Erie, Hardin counties: Erie – July 7, Hardin – July 13

OPSB sets public hearing on Crawford County solar project: July 22

Recently approved:

Arch Energy Project approved by Ohio Power Siting Board (Fulton County)

Two more solar project approved in Ohio (Madison and Highland counties)

Ohio authorizes Pickaway, Ross County solar project