Pre-applications open for Dairy Innovation Grants

Farmer milking cows
Farm and Dairy file photo.

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Center for Dairy Excellence is now accepting pre-applications for Dairy Innovation Grants. The grants fund investments on Pennsylvania farms to improve efficiency, output and energy efficiency. Projects may include technology in the milking parlor, feeding system, activity monitoring, ventilation and cow cooling parts of the operation. Facility construction is not eligible for funding.

The center hopes to grant up to $25,000 in matching funds, or a 50% match on a total expenditure of up to $50,000, to up to 20 dairy farm operations that want to invest in technology to improve operations. These funds are provided to reimburse farmers once the dollars have been spent, so the total amount of funding received will be determined by the project’s overall cost. Farms that pass the center’s pre-application process will be included in the center’s grant application as a Regional Impact Project to the PA Ag Innovation Fund at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. No funding will be granted until the Center’s application is accepted.

This is a competitive funding program, and dairy producers must apply by Nov. 1 to provide the center time to submit their application to the Pennsylvania Dairy Innovation Fund. Successful farms would be notified of their entry into the pre-application process in November, but they would not know if they had been awarded funds until Jan. 2025, when the Pennsylvania Ag Innovation Grant Awardees are announced.

Farm operations in Pennsylvania with anticipated annual sales of more than $2,000 and more than 35 mature dairy cows or 70 mature dairy goats may apply if they meet the following criteria:

• Must have a conservation plan, a manure management plan and knowledge of financials.

• Participate in the National FARM or similar animal care program.

• Must be a farm operation with anticipated farm sales of more than $2,000 and at least 35 dairy cows or 70 goats in lactating herd.

• Must provide a letter of support from their farm to accompany our bigger application to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. A template is included with the application.

• Must provide a thorough description and an industry-researched estimate for the technology investment they want funded through a grant.

• Must demonstrate commitment to the operation’s long-term sustainability.

• Must be willing to provide metrics before and after in milk production, quality and components, reproduction and herd health to demonstrate impact.

Learn more and submit a pre-application by Nov. 1 at For more information about the program, contact Melissa Anderson at 717-788-0296.