Poacher sentenced for unlawful taking of trophy buck

The antlers that were collected as evidence in the C.J. Alexander case. (Submitted photo)

COLUMBUS — Christopher J. Alexander, 28, of Wilmington, will spend time in jail for his leading role in a high-profile case of deer poaching involving the unlawful harvesting of an 18-point white-tailed deer, a trophy animal viewed as a valuable state natural resource.

His sentencing follows his Oct. 15 guilty plea to 14 charges, including one felony count each of theft by deception and tampering with evidence. The 12 other charges — all misdemeanors – included hunting violations, falsification, jacklighting and the sale of wildlife parts.

The Division of Wildlife conducted an investigation into Alexander’s taking of the trophy buck Nov. 9, 2023, after receiving information alleging that the deer was taken unlawfully.

Alexander was sentenced to pay the maximum restitution for the 18-point trophy buck, $35,071.73. This was the largest restitution value for a single white-tailed deer in Ohio’s history. Restitution increased to $39,696.73 when $4,625 was added for a second unlawfully taken buck during the 2023 hunting season.

Aiding Alexander in his crimes were Corey and Zachary Haunert, who are brothers, and his sister, Kristina M. Alexander, all of whom entered plea agreements and have been sentenced.

The Division of Wildlife is dedicated to enforcing laws that protect Ohio’s wildlife. Input and concern from the public are integral to those enforcement efforts. Anyone who witnesses a wildlife violation in Ohio can call the Turn in a Poacher hotline at 1-800-POACHER (1-800-762-2437). Reports are kept anonymous. Information that results in a conviction of a wildlife crime may result in a reward.